Terry Dyson
Reports during the summer was that we managed to make deals happen in part because we managed to negotiate heavily structured deals. Meaning we'll be paying more for those players in the years to come than us already the norm.We need to get past that. We are (or should be) a net buyer of players and therefore the situation is to our advantage. Of course we are likely to have to accept lower fees for our outgoing players or even pay them off to help facilitate deals. Contrary to some of the opinion on here players very, very rarely want to stick around when they know they're not wanted. What they won't do though is make themselves worse off financially (and why should they?).
There are clubs all over Europe that have been absolutely financially decimated by the last year. French clubs for example will need to shed players just to reduce their wage bills. We can take advantage of that. The vaccine rollout is also likely to mean that we're back in stadiums properly next season so we'll also have a much better idea of our forecast revenue.
We could massively benefit from some owner investment right now (or if they haven't got the capital then the owners diluting their stake and allowing investment of transfer capital for equity n the club). Unfortunately even an optimist like me doesn't see any chance of that with our owners.
It's fair enough to say that we should be a net buyer of players, but that doesn't change our financial situation. We don't know what that situation will be come the summer, even less than we usually know which is already limited.
Optimism is good, but realistic optimism is more my cup of tea.