The clever card could be taking up the second year option on Wembley that has already been announced in case of overruns.
Does anyone else think this is a rues and we are just building a bigger Spurs Shop and car park?
There she goes.
What's that - the 3rd house?
That's mostly shuttering; check out the skyscrapercity thread for blow by blow detail. That lot are super-anal... and very helpful... they get so excited when a machine moves positions.Bottom photo - those parts have gone up very quickly haven't they?
Bottom image appears as if it could be a moat to keep away undesirables.
Bottom photo - those parts have gone up very quickly haven't they?
That's mostly shuttering; check out the skyscrapercity thread for blow by blow detail. That lot are super-anal... and very helpful... they get so excited when a machine moves positions.
there's going to be a lot of asking the builders for our ball back..