Simon Davies
I would agree he was not the best Prime Minister, I doubt you would like my choice for that haha. No I do not think Prime Ministers are all that, no what Churchill did was such a large feat he quite frankly saved not only Britain but by Britain holding out he saved Europe.
The world would be so different today if it were not for him. I understand the attraction to be revisionist and try to knock down historical achievements something that one side of the political spectrum are always very keen to do. But in the case with Churchill it is quite wrong as though the guy was not without fault he most certainly was not a cnut.
He was anti worker. He was an imperialist and a racist. He was a rat. Switched sides when it suited him politically to do so. He changed parties for careerist motives, not out of principal. The Liberal old guard never trusted him and never embraced him. His subsequent switch back to the Tories proved their suspicions to be correct. Yes he delivered some great speeches, but there is some debate as to whether he even wrote them himself. Yes his role in WWII was great, but no greater than that of FDR (a much more eminent personage) or even Stalin.