The great beacon of light on the horizon is in fact a sort of nirvana, or a world beyond our wildest dreams. World peace, a human race dedicated to working with one another instead of competing with one another (we will still compete, but it will be just for fun), where the surplus is always naturally distributed among everyone. Imagine a world where there is no human drama, where we've transcended that, we don't spend time on bickering with one another, but instead find solutions together - it will open up rooms in our hearts and minds we didn't know exist, and the world will practically become magic (I could elaborate on this, but you'd just think I was nutty, if you don't already believe so, haha).
The thing is. Once the realization dawns on us, that we can in fact rid ourselves of our own traumas (we have lots of them that we're not aware of), the parts of our body that keeps us addicted to the drama and the drudgery (the victim in us), we will start focusing our entire being around this mission. We will lay down our jobs and seek the light from within. And we're programmed to do so. Our body/heart/mind is just waiting for us to take the first step. I've felt this myself through following this process for the past few months. I've rid myself of so much fear that I don't generally feel fear anymore (I still do, but it's not overwhelming and numbing like it has been). I'm not saying that all the humans currently on earth has the capacity to take this step, as it demands a fair bit of openness and willingness to be vulnerable, but fret not, their next incarnation will get it, they'll remember it. I know know! Incarnations right! Haha. I've thought of that as gonad*s my entire life, but ... I have with my own eyes seen glimpses of what I perceive to be my former lives, and it just makes sense to me. I know you're probably shaking your head right now laughing, and that's OK. I would do too! Just try to entertain the notion that ... maybe, just maybe there's something in even that.

The point I was trying to make was - once we start seeing groups of humans that have transcended fear, and what that can do on a collective level (I'm not sure exactly what just yet, but I've seen glimpses, and it's rather glorious), the ideas will spread like wildfire. Who wouldn't want to be free?
Not written on shrooms, no! I don't do shrooms every day, but try to have a little session (if I feel like it) about once a month or so. Not that I would advice anyone else to do so necessarily - that's just been my path into this.
And again, I know that all this might sound very foreign and weird. I'm not trying to blow my own ego up from writing all this stuff - just trying to spread some genuine (and much needed, in my opinion) enthusiasm for the future of the world and the universe. And I've been with you guys on here for years, I want to share with you. You're right that I don't really risk anything, you don't really know who I am - but I'm preparing for the very real possibility of meeting you all one day, and don't want to come across as a self-pampering lunatic. I want to write all this because for the first time in my 38 year old life, I feel hope! Genuine hope! And I want you all to feel that, If even just a little sliver of it. Even though I've never met you, I love you guys, you're my brothers in arms, and we've been suffering for so long together. Life might seem hopeless and like it's about to completely crash any moment - but ... there's something brewing in the ether! I can't see the future, but I can see hope, and it's warm, including, embracing and there's more than enough room for anyone.
Just one little adendum, one of the catalysors for us into this was my wife feeling very depressed this fall. Then she had what we can only call a revelation - which culminated in her being directed to a playlist she had created herself just before our son was born in 2015 - but she had no recollection of ever making that playlist. The first song on the list, and as she put it on, she felt warmth and love just in wave after wave penetrate her body, and she's told me she felt like she was being initiated. I've since had these strange initiations of my own, but I'm not saying anything about that for now. Anyways, I write this because I wanted to share that song with you.

The lyrics! I mean, what are the odds of someone experiencing an epiphany, being guided to a specific song you don't remember having ever heard, you've seen glimpses of humanity bathing in paradise, then those words suddenly become a lot more exciting!