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Sick sick world what is wrong with people

Par for the course now with the Tories. She should run for leader. What's happening in Rotherham is particularly sickening, deliberately trying to burn people in their hotel. This is more than thuggery, we are talking attempted murder.

Yet there will still be right wing commentators saying it's because politicians are not listening to concerns about immigration. Sorry but that's rubbish. Give me immigrants over these psychopaths anytime. They are shaming our country.

I agree mostly mate. Given the choice I also would prefer immigrants over the scumbags that are ruining our towns and cities as I do believe most immigrants come here because they want a better life and most of them aren’t looking to game the system or rinse our services whilst not contributing. However, there does need to be a far better vetting process regarding the people who come here. And I do also feel that for a lot of people, the left just don’t have a credible stance on immigration. Do I agree with the tories? Not at all, but I don’t feel like anyone has a decent plan for tackling immigration. I’m not just talking about Uber right wing people, I mean just regular people, left or right. It’s an issue all over Europe in liberal countries in Scandinavia and also in America.
I don’t have an issue with some who is racist
What I hate is their double standards
if you are racist. Own it
Don’t hide it
Let the whole world know and then we can choose to treat you how we see fit too
Yep, should be the same for all criminals. If your going to break the law own up to it.
Yep, should be the same for all criminals. If you’re going to break the law own up to it.
If your that way inclined don’t hide it
I’d respect them
Don’t agree with them
Would avoid them
But I’d at what’s respect the fact they don’t hide their hatred
These fudgers in masks are cowards
The asylum dealers coming here have more bravery in their fingernail than them
I agree mostly mate. Given the choice I also would prefer immigrants over the scumbags that are ruining our towns and cities as I do believe most immigrants come here because they want a better life and most of them aren’t looking to game the system or rinse our services whilst not contributing. However, there does need to be a far better vetting process regarding the people who come here. And I do also feel that for a lot of people, the left just don’t have a credible stance on immigration. Do I agree with the tories? Not at all, but I don’t feel like anyone has a decent plan for tackling immigration. I’m not just talking about Uber right wing people, I mean just regular people, left or right. It’s an issue all over Europe in liberal countries in Scandinavia and also in America.
I think some of those protesting rioting are from lower incomes and view(not necessarily correctly) that immigrants take government money away from them.

Either through things like council housing or that the is then less money to be spent on their benefits(I imagine a lot were rioting were on benefits) so really I think sometimes a lot of it comes from a fear or jealousy connected to money.

Then you have others who are concerned about law and order who see a lot of criminals who have turned up in the country over the last few years. Whether it Albanian gangs, Turkish money laundering operations or Irish travellers. My Irish wife's family can not believe how lax we are on travellers. When that happens you get a backlash.

If Labour do not get a handle on it, it will be carnage down the line.
If your that way inclined don’t hide it
I’d respect them
Don’t agree with them
Would avoid them
But I’d at what’s respect the fact they don’t hide their hatred
These fudgers in masks are cowards
The asylum dealers coming here have more bravery in their fingernail than them
Wonder if some of them will regret it and want to head back to Liberal welcoming France.
Reminds me of the riots that took place in 2011 that was triggered by the Tottenham riots. Albeit different circumstances entirely but similar lawlessness and disorder and it’s worrying that it’s spreading to other towns and cities like the Tottenham riots did.
Peasants have always revolted during the summer. The weather and being able to phone in work whilst the schools are off contribute to it.
everyone is an immigrant if you go far back enough

Whilst that’s true, that’s not really the point when it comes to this issue right now. Just because right wing parties wrongly blame immigrants for everything and use racist language doesn’t mean is isn’t still an issue that needs to be addressed.
Whilst that’s true, that’s not really the point when it comes to this issue right now. Just because right wing parties wrongly blame immigrants for everything and use racist language doesn’t mean is isn’t still an issue that needs to be addressed.

I don’t think it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

The problem is the idea that people are different, that lines drawn on maps can be used to differentiate us.

We evolved as a nomadic species, our destruction of the planets ecosystem means it is only a matter of time before we all need to re-embrace that.

It’s not about politics it’s about practicality, too much emphasis is placed on human generated constructs which will do nothing for the survival of the species.
I don’t think it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

The problem is the idea that people are different, that lines drawn on maps can be used to differentiate us.

We evolved as a nomadic species, our destruction of the planets ecosystem means it is only a matter of time before we all need to re-embrace that.

It’s not about politics it’s about practicality, too much emphasis is placed on human generated constructs which will do nothing for the survival of the species.

It is an issue for most developed nations, not just us. We cannot house every single person that comes here from another country no matter where they are from. We also don’t have the resources.
It is an issue for most developed nations, not just us. We cannot house every single person that comes here from another country no matter where they are from. We also don’t have the resources.

It's use of terms like "nations" and "we" that is the problem. They are the constructs we need to dismantle.
I agree mostly mate. Given the choice I also would prefer immigrants over the scumbags that are ruining our towns and cities as I do believe most immigrants come here because they want a better life and most of them aren’t looking to game the system or rinse our services whilst not contributing. However, there does need to be a far better vetting process regarding the people who come here. And I do also feel that for a lot of people, the left just don’t have a credible stance on immigration. Do I agree with the tories? Not at all, but I don’t feel like anyone has a decent plan for tackling immigration. I’m not just talking about Uber right wing people, I mean just regular people, left or right. It’s an issue all over Europe in liberal countries in Scandinavia and also in America.
As I said before we should be careful to not to conflate racism and Islamophobia with a genuine concern around immigration numbers. That’s what the far right want people to do. The country needs to deal with the far right scum first, get control back on our streets before it escalates even further with groups of vigilantes taking on the racists. Only then can we engage in a proper discussion around immigration. This is not the time for that discussion nor should it be carried out staring down the barrel of a gun which is a risk at the moment.

On the point of whether or not the “left” have a credible policy, I’m not sure any politician had one because unless you are a Tory the answers, vetting aside, are not straightforward.
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It is an issue for most developed nations, not just us. We cannot house every single person that comes here from another country no matter where they are from. We also don’t have the resources.

More and more councils having housing issues, not all can be attributed to the increase in population. But it these pressures that play into the protestor hands.
Brexit led to Europe turning facist?

Thats a massive stretch, get some did not agree with it and it could have gone better but then the government were crap and constantly upended by their own civil service and courts. But ideally dont think you can blame the UK for what happens in mainland Europe.

We voted to leave a trading block, 52% of us that voted did anyway.

First off, I took the time to send some very long, detailed and I felt spirit-of-discussion replies to posts from you earlier in the week which you haven't responded to. As is, no worries.

With regards to the above reply, that is not what I said. You've extrapolated something which is not an accurate reflection of what I said (which is basically what happens generally in the world these days in too many situations everywhere).

Here is what I said:

"I mean, never mind the Brexit has basically led to Europe segregating/some nations turning facist and so on"

Much as I don't feel it is my job to do so, I will break down what that statement's meaning actually is. To jme it is very clear, however...

1. Brexit saw a very active EU member disengage from the block
2. Russia (who had absolutely seen the fissures developing in the relationship) were delighted to see the fracture and studiously promoted further separatist ideas within the EU members.
3. EU members increasingly saw that the EU as a body was no longer impregnable from either outside influence or further member disengagement.
4. Countries such as the Netherlands saw right-wing politics take a greater hold than ever in their nations.
5. Italy elected a facist PM (Meloni)
6. Hungary's PM is a facist (Orban)
7. France has undergone tremendous turbulence and political swing

It is a FACT that Brexit has led to a faster segregation/isolation of nations from each other within Europe, and running interference on those lines have been the likes of Russia, Farage and other far-right provocateurs. Sadly, racism is a by-product of all that.

The facts since Brexit will show that nothing in that sentence is a massive stretch at all, and that nowhere did I say 'Europe turned facist' as thankfully, much of Europe continues to resist those massive clams. However for the first time since WWII, there are more racists in charge of more European nations than I can remember.

Finally, you're looking for 'blame'...'not our fault' and that sort of stuff. I am not looking to 'blame' anybody, I am simply stating facts. And if you still don't think that Brexit has had a major, major impact on global politics, then I'd suggest it's a willful action on your part. It is important for me to note that whilst I did not agree with Brexit, my 'blame' for it lies very much with the snake-oil salespeople who 'sold' it.
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Was looking up some local history in Dalston. Mainly for images to use in a new local business. Idk if it’s cathartic or shocking. But almost 100 years it was the same shi1.

View attachment 17462

Maybe it was a bit more scary as it was part of the establishment and there weren’t laws on racial hatred in the 1930s.

You’d think the world wars would have put pay to facism, but no, here’s Ridley Road market in the 1960s, a few miles south of Tottenham. Im pleased to say Mosley was attacked for arranging a march there and, like now, the majority of people are anti-facist.

View attachment 17463

The world changes, and everything stays the same.

View attachment 17464

A very important post, thanks mate as it reminds us that vigilance against these scum is vital, and we must also do more to make sure the average confused, scared people drifting in the middle do not become conversion-fodder for these nazi scum.