There are important problems to be solved in the medical industry. Funding of research is one such issue. Very little of what is being presented by the alternative medicine side of this is helpful in this regard.
Pharmaceutical companies overselling the evidence for their products is another issue. Compared to the alternative industry that sells products proven not to work though...
the issues are intrinsically linked in a feedback loop.
John Ioannidis is a Professor of Medicine and of Health Research and Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine and a Professor of Statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences. He has a medical background AND is a statistical expert. He has done a tremendous amount of research in this area.
He even published a paper entitled "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False". Watch his dry but superb presentation on youtube discussing bias in current scientific research.
Current Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Dr.Richard Horton made this statement:
The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.
Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects,invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts
of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has
taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”.
Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ) said this:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of
The New England Journal of Medicine”
Neuroscientist Dr.David Diamond has two devastating critiques of the widespread use of statins in treatment of cholesterol & heart disease on youtube.
Author Gary Taubes's bestseller "Good Calories,Bad Calories" is a scathing assessment of current medical/dietary guidelines in the face of a global epidemic of type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome & obesity.
Even engineers are getting in on the act with people like Ivor Cummins and his analysis of sugar, cholesterol & heart disease and Vitamin D. His interview of 95 year old pathologist & Professor of Nuclear Science Dr.Joseph Kraft is a revelation despite being a culmination of decades of work.
Watch Micheal Holick MD,PHD (Boston University School of Medicine) or Prof.Robert Heaney MD,PhD with more than 60 years of collective scientific wisdom advocating Vitamin D. The latter and his dry but eloquent case for why Randomised Control Trials are not scientifically optimal to providing conclusions when it comes to investigation of essential vitamins and minerals in human physiology as opposed to drug outcomes.
Or Pediatric Endocrinologist Robert Lustig from UCSF and his many presentations on sugar, processed foods and regulation in the face of toxicity.
Practicing low carb physicians like Dr.Eric Westman at Duke (with a six month waiting list) or Dr.Jason Fung, a Canadian nephrologist that advocates "Intermittent Fasting" as a solution to Type 2 Diabetes.
Prof.Richard Feinman (PhD Cellular Biology, New York) and about a dozen colleagues from all over the world published a well researched paper on dietary intervention in type 2 diabetes instead of medications in first line treatment, contrary to medical/nutritional guidelines in all developed countries.
Or Dr.Richard Bernstein, a 77 year old type 1 diabetic who was an engineer who then went to Medical School in order to get the medical world to listen to him and allow him to publish his findings on basal/bolus insulin. Dr.Bernstein knew 3 past presidents of the American Diabetes Association and has stated on record that the ADA refused to advocate his views for fear of loss of business and litigation. Ironically, basal/bolus or "quackery" in his time has become standard medical practise today.
Dr.Mark Hyman MD who for decades advocated root cause solutions in medicine and was branded under the "alternative" curse. After years of training thousands of disgruntled doctors who realised conventional medicine was all about treatment of symptoms by dispensing drugs, was finally rewarded in 2014 by the world renowned Cleveland Clinic that decided to try to integrate functional medicine into their current practices.
David Ludwig (MD, PhD, Harvard) or Chris Gardner (PhD Nutrition & Prof Medicine, Stanford University). Both published highly controversial papers on dietary guidelines that contravene medical/nutritional mainstream.
I could go on ad infinitum.
My litany is in service of two points.
Firstly, all the aforementioned experts merely constitute a small sampling of a growing movement that is still classified as quackery and not part of "the mainstream medical community".
Secondly, most modern chronic diseases are now being linked to inflammation and metabolic/hormonal dysregulation whether it be Hyperinsulinemia, Insulin Resistance or Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and thus adopting the approaches advocated by these researchers & physicians is central to arresting the problems of cardiovascular disease, cancer and neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimers.
Herein lies the crux. Most of these approaches mean an end to the proliferation of drug therapies, treatment of symptoms and unrealistic dispensing guidelines, occasionally bordering on malfeasance....and consequently, billions in loss profits. And returning to my feedback loop in first sentence, the drug companies use the same arguments. Our research is overwhelming and correct. Almost no research to support your thesis. Except that the research is not overwhelming & not correct.
I encourage you to read the publications and watch the numerous presentations by a litany of medical professionals questioning the validity of the current treatment methodologies.
Interaction of drugs is another area that I now find interesting. For all the gold standard RCTs being conducted, there are no multi drug trials being conducted due to the infinite number of permutations so welcome to the uncontrolled drug infested trial known as the human condition. that is for another day.