Jack L. Jones
I had a bad back and hip problem for years. Went to local doc, SFA doctor and as a last resort a chiro. All said the same thing, can see somethings wrong but don't know what.
Went to a TOP golf pro for lessons and spotted straight away something was wrong but again didn't know why or cause, was there for lessons, nothing to do with back.
Gave up and just accepted that was how it was going to be. Then one day I hurt my little toe and had to go to a podiatrist and she noticed the toe was turning under. She recommended a bio mechanic she knew so went there. He put me through all kinds of tests and said he knew what it was but it wasn't his field. He went next door and got his colleague who was a physio. He asked me some questions then said go to your dentist and get a gum shield, your grinding your teeth in your sleep and the tension from that is giving you the back pain.
Got gum shield and never looked back, if pardon the pun.
Point if the rather long story? Don't discount anything when it comes to your health. Human body is s complex and varied thing
Who's discounting anything? I do not think that it is too much to ask for people who claim that something cures or alleviates the symptoms of an illness or ailment to present evidence to support this and to be sceptical about their claims if they can't or won't.