Steffen Freund
And @nayimfromthehalfwaylineI thought the opposite: revocation as an alternative to extension, and consideration of the options, rather than new negotiations - Royal Commission, perhaps -to be presented to the electorate again in 2022. No change of government necessary. DUP and Tories in harmony again. Leavers can maintain the purity of their unicorn Brexits, rather than tainting them with reality.
That was my initial thought.
But what makes me think it opens the door for a UK GE and A50 extension, is that it puts the power in the UK, not the EU.
So no longer are we looking at 31 March as a definite unless the EU27 agree to revoke.
We can now revoke.
The power still lies with the EU to grant an extension of A50. However, if they didn't agree to extend, we can revoke and then serve A50 again.
So effectively anyone wanting to "test out a Brexit" can do so without fear of axtuactu being committed to it.
Interesting times.