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Politics, politics, politics

So last week amongst the elections the Government reversed the plan to automatically force ALL schools to be academies.
Another interesting U-turn.
Also, proof the government is out of touch with even their Tory grass-roots Councils (it was their objections that led to the reverse, rather than what Teachers and Academics were saying).
No doubt another plan to sell-off Education to the highest bidder will be brought back in due course anyway
If it is a terror attack, what drastic action would you like to see taken?

Well I am not a political expert, nor am I a national security expert.

However and firstly ONE life taken in terrorist activity is ONE too many in my eyes. When you add up the attacks from terrorist since 9/11 its becoming far too often and far too many people are losing their lives to terrorism. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/nov/18/fivefold-increase-terrorism-fatalities-global-index this article is up to 2014 and when you include France and Brussels from recent times its getting worse.

They call terrorist action "extremism" so at what point do you draw the line for the benefit of your own national security?
Hilarious that you think Islam and Christianity are made-up religion and perfect for ridicule, but Judaism is not because 'it is also a racial identity'...one based on the some of the same ancient texts that the other two are based on:D

It's ridiculous that the world could destroy itself over the worship of fictional characters and the doctrines that worship provides. fudging mental!
Well I am not a political expert, nor am I a national security expert.

However and firstly ONE life taken in terrorist activity is ONE too many in my eyes. When you add up the attacks from terrorist since 9/11 its becoming far too often and far too many people are losing their lives to terrorism. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/nov/18/fivefold-increase-terrorism-fatalities-global-index this article is up to 2014 and when you include France and Brussels from recent times its getting worse.

They call terrorist action "extremism" so at what point do you draw the line for the benefit of your own national security?

I feel what you're saying. But it's a tricky one unless you want to start and escalate wars. We here in Western Europe are lucky in the current situation when you take a wider perspective: imagine if we lived in Baghdad, Syria, Beirut or in Istanbul when every day there is a threat of multiple terror attacks?

Let's both hope the Plan to Ciaro is proven to NOT be due to terrorism (though of course that will be no consolation to the relatives of the 66 in any case..)
I feel what you're saying. But it's a tricky one unless you want to start and escalate wars. We here in Western Europe are lucky in the current situation when you take a wider perspective: imagine if we lived in Baghdad, Syria, Beirut or in Istanbul when every day there is a threat of multiple terror attacks?

Let's both hope the Plan to Ciaro is proven to NOT be due to terrorism (though of course that will be no consolation to the relatives of the 66 in any case..)

No I agree and I get where you are coming from, I really do. But there is also abit of mean that pains with the argument of "it could be worse" and I kinda feel sorry for saying it, but I still feel regardless of whats going on that a Charlie Hebdo for example is far too much in one example for a city like Paris which is peaceful. The same for us during 7/7, one attack was one attack too many and yes compared against Syria it pales but I won't compare the two because that just gives a reason to kind of accept it as a way of life, or current life. I'm not saying that is what you are saying, thats just my view on the whole picture.

The whole thing is scary, airport, planes, buses, tubes, concerts, places of work....it isnt scare tactics by MI5 when their warning level is literally "it could be you"...thats no way to live in 2016
You're far more likely to die driving to work. So just don't worry about getting on the train/plane/whatever. There's nothing that can be done apart from the security services trying to catch these people before they act. Mostly, it's or own citizens doing these crimes, so it's not as simple as 'bomb X - problem solved.'

I'm also a bit wary of politicians of all stripes using terrorism as an excuse to snoop on us all more, enacting unnecessary legislation in the name of keeping us safe.

We don't dwell on car accidents when we hear about them, we just keep driving because we need to. We shouldn't dwell on terrorism either -- imo, this only empowers terrorists and their crimes.
We don't dwell on car accidents when we hear about them, we just keep driving because we need to. We shouldn't dwell on terrorism either -- imo, this only empowers terrorists and their crimes.

Car accidents - reference to the word accidents there

Terrorists going out their way to kill scores of people is hugely different.

In your theory, if we don't dwell on the terrorists and the same level/frequency occurs for next 10 years, would you say thats acceptable? Surely the not to dwell blind eye is giving them free reign to do what they want?
Car accidents - reference to the word accidents there

Terrorists going out their way to kill scores of people is hugely different.

In your theory, if we don't dwell on the terrorists and the same level/frequency occurs for next 10 years, would you say thats acceptable? Surely the not to dwell blind eye is giving them free reign to do what they want?

As @the dza says apart from starting another war and perhaps then starting to live as though we are in Syria/Beirut etc all that we can do is hope the security services catch people before they do these types of things.
This is all assuming the plane this week went down due to terrrorism...who knows? It could be mechanism error...personally i hope it is for the long-term good..
Car accidents - reference to the word accidents there

Terrorists going out their way to kill scores of people is hugely different.

In your theory, if we don't dwell on the terrorists and the same level/frequency occurs for next 10 years, would you say thats acceptable? Surely the not to dwell blind eye is giving them free reign to do what they want?

It's not acceptable as in I don't think it's a good thing, but I accept that there isn't much we can reasonably do about it beyond what's already being done. I suppose we could make everyone board planes naked and handcuffed (some people might prefer that) in the name of safety, but I think that's unreasonable.
So last week amongst the elections the Government reversed the plan to automatically force ALL schools to be academies.
Another interesting U-turn.
Also, proof the government is out of touch with even their Tory grass-roots Councils (it was their objections that led to the reverse, rather than what Teachers and Academics were saying).
No doubt another plan to sell-off Education to the highest bidder will be brought back in due course anyway
I don't think it's about selling education off, it's more about taking control away from local councils. I don't know if academies are the answer but I know that local councils are not.
I don't think it's about selling education off, it's more about taking control away from local councils. I don't know if academies are the answer but I know that local councils are not.

There are some good and bad councils. It's been the Tory councils who are judged as 'good' (and who themselves see themselves as 'good') who have scuppered plan for all schools to turn into academies.
The fact that the plan was to turn ALL schools into academies (as opposed to offering it to those who wanted it) tells you it is long-term a 'sell-off.'
Academies are businesses and ultimately would run schools at a profit
Is that not the thing most wars are about, my GHod is better then your GHod and all that crap.

I have read alot of history and the basis of most wars up until a certain point was discover born from the need to survive, then it developed into the need to conquer and now its manifested into wars of hate.

But yeh its now killing in the name of GHod...which is just giving it a label.
I have read alot of history and the basis of most wars up until a certain point was discover born from the need to survive, then it developed into the need to conquer and now its manifested into wars of hate.

But yeh its now killing in the name of GHod...which is just giving it a label.

You have a point but religion has played a part in most if not all wars.
I totally agree

As my mate says....Think don't pray

I have no problem with those who believe in a GHod and always thought the great Dave Allen summed it up well when saying ("May your GHod go with you"), the problem is that so many who do believe always try and make others who believe in another GHod change their beliefs. And that usually leads to bloodletting.
There are some good and bad councils. It's been the Tory councils who are judged as 'good' (and who themselves see themselves as 'good') who have scuppered plan for all schools to turn into academies.
The fact that the plan was to turn ALL schools into academies (as opposed to offering it to those who wanted it) tells you it is long-term a 'sell-off.'
Academies are businesses and ultimately would run schools at a profit
Great, that would reduce the burden on all of our pay packets.

It's not really about that though. Since the mid 1980s the Conservatives have been waging war against entrenched, beaurocratic, lefty councils. They've been overspending and overreaching for as long as they've existed and it's been part of the Conservative mission since Thatcher to wrestle control away from them.

Not many people know this because so many were swept up in all the "fun" of the riots, but the Community Charge was always about bringing councils and their spending into line. It was never about taxing the poor as those who are incapable of properly interpreting the bill seem to think.
Great, that would reduce the burden on all of our pay packets.

It's not really about that though. Since the mid 1980s the Conservatives have been waging war against entrenched, beaurocratic, lefty councils. They've been overspending and overreaching for as long as they've existed and it's been part of the Conservative mission since Thatcher to wrestle control away from them.

Not many people know this because so many were swept up in all the "fun" of the riots, but the Community Charge was always about bringing councils and their spending into line. It was never about taxing the poor as those who are incapable of properly interpreting the bill seem to think.

That all sounds well and good until you realise the Academy policy was vociferously attacked by Tory councils who couldn't be described as 'lefty councils' so really that only shows how out of touch the Tory Government are, even with their core support base. Unless of course you think Tory councils are also overreaching and overspending too.
Oh and do Local councils overreach/overspend more than more central Government departments?

On running schools for profit, that can only lead to problems as introducing a 'race to the bottom' or an 'easyjet/ryanair' business model in education will lead to poor general education overall (for those who cannot pay for the private education system). There are some public services where 'profit making' shouldn't be the number one goal in managing imo and i beleive Education is at the top of that list.
Running schools/education to break even over time should be a target imo though