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Politics, politics, politics

Xbox, TV, etc was all written down in the first year.

My friends ate free quite often.
Couple that with claiming jobseeker's allowance and child tax credit and job's a goodun.

Fleece the system and stick it to the man.

Come on you Reds.
Avoidance, not evasion. Just like having an ISA or buying your booze at Duty Free.

Governments will eventually learn that, just like businesses, they will have to start to compete in the global economy.

Just as my companies have had to become efficient to compete with China and India, governments will have to realise that they need to be less profligate with our money if they are to compete in bringing in tax revenues.
Pure capitalists will eventually learn that countries cannot be based on and exposed to the short-mid run effects of market forces as people are involved, and people should be more important than any balance sheet.

Doing what you describe above us just how the US runs its cities - go and take a walk around Detroit. Then imagine that as the only place you can live. No manner of market forces will help you then.
Pure capitalists will eventually learn that countries cannot be based on and exposed to the short-mid run effects of market forces as people are involved, and people should be more important than any balance sheet.

Doing what you describe above us just how the US runs its cities - go and take a walk around Detroit. Then imagine that as the only place you can live. No manner of market forces will help you then.
Countries and governments don't have that choice to make. The economy is now global - you can't just carry on the way things were 50 years ago because you're used to having loads of money to spend.

The only options are to shut the borders and leave the global economy, or to get used to the fact that tax revenues will go elsewhere unless the disgusting and punitive tax rates in this country are significantly decreased.
I like how Scara complains about tax rates being too high, when it seems so many corporates are barely paying any. Like employees who complain about various wage rates, when in fact they are not even paying the minimum wage.
I like how Scara complains about tax rates being too high, when it seems so many corporates are barely paying any. Like employees who complain about various wage rates, when in fact they are not even paying the minimum wage.
Only those with an overseas presence. They're only doing what they're supposed to though - if they're not doing everything they can to maximise shareholder wealth then they should be sacked.

Those of us on PAYE still have to pay extortionate tax bills. I'm a very, very long way from a rich man, but I pay tax at a rate that was initially aimed at the rich who could afford to pay a fortune in tax and not notice it. That's before the government doubles down on their thievery and taxes me again should I try and spend that money and keep the economy going. If I have the temerity to want to buy a home for my family to live in then that's tens of thousands of pounds back to the thieves (again, income that's already been taxed).

We allow this to go on because we're used to it, we ignore it like that wobbly floorboard that we see so often we no longer see it. Try stepping back and imagine a world where tax has yet to be implemented. Then imagine somebody put forward our current levels/methods of taxation - they'd be branded a fool and rightly so.
I like how Scara complains about tax rates being too high, when it seems so many corporates are barely paying any. Like employees who complain about various wage rates, when in fact they are not even paying the minimum wage.
Income tax isn't the only tax we pay, and I suspect that's what scara is talking about.
I can't think of anything off the of my head that isn't taxed. Not just purchases either, savings, pensions etc. In fact pensions is the biggest scandal of all time. They tax you your earnings for 50 years, they tax your pension savings and then when you draw it they tax it again!
Income tax isn't the only tax we pay, and I suspect that's what scara is talking about.
I can't think of anything off the of my head that isn't taxed. Not just purchases either, savings, pensions etc. In fact pensions is the biggest scandal of all time. They tax you your earnings for 50 years, they tax your pension savings and then when you draw it they tax it again!
And if you're really good at saving they'll tax it while it's in there too!
I like how Scara complains about tax rates being too high, when it seems so many corporates are barely paying any. Like employees who complain about various wage rates, when in fact they are not even paying the minimum wage.

One law for the rich and other for the poor and the rich like it that way. If folks bitch about how much tax they pay they should go and live elsewhere, now that is easier for those with money ( I admit) but a lot of them prefer to fiddle/hide their wealth elsewhere.

GREEDY BASTARDS is the only words for them.
I vote, I pay my taxes, I'm a net contributor to the country and most importantly it's a democracy we live in, so i will bitch if I want to.

Bitch away it is supposed to be a free country after all :), its not those who bitch that is the problem its the greedy bastards who hide their wealth away that needs sorting.
I don't object to paying my taxes, although I'd think the average mans share of the tax burden is to much, what I really object is how it's spent.
Bitch away it is supposed to be a free country after all :), its not those who bitch that is the problem its the greedy bastards who hide their wealth away that needs sorting.
If it's within the extent of the law, what's the problem?

And why is it different from having an ISA or buying booze at Duty Free?
If it's within the extent of the law, what's the problem?

And why is it different from having an ISA or buying booze at Duty Free?

The law needs changing but as someone has already said the Torys will not brick on the greedy bastards who help put them in power.
The law needs changing but as someone has already said the Torys will not brick on the greedy bastards who help put them in power.
Neither will Labour - for all their bluster, the case with Google showed that good lawyers will always show their client's actions to be above board.

The only way to stop people spending a fortune on reducing their tax bill is to reduce their tax bill so that it's not worth paying.
Neither will Labour - for all their bluster, the case with Google showed that good lawyers will always show their client's actions to be above board.

The only way to stop people spending a fortune on reducing their tax bill is to reduce their tax bill so that it's not worth paying.

We disagree, and I am not surprised that you seem to support the greedy bastards who avoid paying their full taxes.
We disagree, and I am not surprised that you seem to support the greedy bastards who avoid paying their full taxes.
Google paid their full taxes. Amazon paid their full taxes. Even Starbucks paid their full taxes and then just gave some more away as a PR exercise. If they hadn't, they'd be in prison.

I've yet to hear the same anger from you directed at those who buy alcohol from duty free. What about those who fill up their fuel tank the day before a duty rise? Anyone investing in their kid's future with a child ISA? Or even those greedy bastards with pensions who are avoiding paying their full tax.

What about companies that employ apprentices or invest in R&D? What about those who invest in plant and take a writing down allowance? What about people who refuse a company car that's on offer?

They're all avoiding paying their full tax bill.
Google paid their full taxes. Amazon paid their full taxes. Even Starbucks paid their full taxes and then just gave some more away as a PR exercise. If they hadn't, they'd be in prison.

I've yet to hear the same anger from you directed at those who buy alcohol from duty free. What about those who fill up their fuel tank the day before a duty rise? Anyone investing in their kid's future with a child ISA? Or even those greedy bastards with pensions who are avoiding paying their full tax.

What about companies that employ apprentices or invest in R&D? What about those who invest in plant and take a writing down allowance? What about people who refuse a company car that's on offer?

They're all avoiding paying their full tax bill.

In answer to all that waffle a greedy bastard is a greedy bastard no matter what, however the amount one earns MAY have a bearing on those you are on about. The point is that those who are already rich are fiddling far more then those who "buy alcohol from duty free" and all the other waffle examples you have written.

As I have said already one for the rich and one for the not so rich and we will never agree on this, no surprise there?
In answer to all that waffle a greedy bastard is a greedy bastard no matter what, however the amount one earns MAY have a bearing on those you are on about. The point is that those who are already rich are fiddling far more then those who "buy alcohol from duty free" and all the other waffle examples you have written.

As I have said already one for the rich and one for the not so rich and we will never agree on this, no surprise there?
Sounds to me as if it's you who has one rules for the rich and another for everyone else then.

I think that everyone should pay the minimum tax they are legally required to, regardless of their wealth (or lack of). Until or unless the government can come up with a system of taxation that is simple, equitable and, above all, cheaper then it's the only fair option.
Just watched 'The Bern'. He was testifying to a Senate committee and had stats that showed that just after WWII, the bottom 90% of Americans gained an 80% increase in their wealth and the top 10% improved by 20%. After the election of the Reagan government this turned around and in the last decade only the top 10% made made ANY gains. His speech completely debunked the neo-liberal trickle down fraud.