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OT: What next for Harry?

I feel terribly short-changed!

Amazing really how you can't see he did a great job for despite his shortcomings and mistakes and you can't forgive and forget with regards to the England job, but you're fine with players bricking on our club and even go to great lengths to deny that they even did anything wrong at all despite both players' unprofessionalism being well documented.
I consider the 'severity' of his actions and behaviour over the 4 year period of considerable gravity compered to some foreign journeymen who wanted a better cut elsewhere and gave us nothing but the VERY BEST during their time
Tottenham's Daniel Levy reveals why Dimitar Berbatov was sold to Manchester United

Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy has revealed the reasons behind why he eventually agreed to the sale to Dimitar Berbatov to Manchester United.

Levy claimed that the Bulgarian striker twice refused to play for the club in August, and also criticised the level of 'player power' in the game.

"We had a player in Berbatov who had refused to play two games for us, having a detrimental affect on the dressing-room," he said.

"We'd known for a year that the player wanted out of this club.

"The reality is that in modern football the players have all the power."

Levy said last week that he felt no choice but to sell Robbie Keane in the summer, so he could fulfil his boyhood dream, but, when it came to Berbatov he said the club had just felt let down.

"Dimitar Berbatov was a player who we brought to this club at a time when Man United were interested in him. He made a conscious decision to come to this club, we invested a lot of money, nobody had ever heard of Dimitar Berbatov when we bought him.

"A year later with 10 days to go to the end of the window he tells us he wants to leave to go to Manchester United. We were very disappointed."

Levy also said he thought Berbatov's treatment of the club was disgraceful, and that would not even consider discussing the possibility of a new contract, insisting that playing for Manchester United was his ultimate goal.

"I don't think he treated this club with the respect that we honestly deserved, he said.

"We put him on the map, I think he's an outstanding player, but he signed a long-term contract with this club and I think he should have stayed.

"I had so many conversations with him. He kept saying it was about his ambition to play for Manchester United. It wasn't a money issue. We offered him a new contract and he wasn't even interested in discussing it."

Admitting it was the club's responsibility that no replacements were bought in, Levy insists that the final decision on whether to release Berbatov was made by former manager Juande Ramos.

Ramos meanwhile, has claimed that the club's failure to replace Berbatov and Keane was the real reason he was shown the door.

Insisting his squad had been weakened by the board, Ramos told the People: "I am the same coach from last year that took the team to the Carling Cup triumph, but the squad is not the same.

"After the sale of Keane and Berbatov things went from bad to worse because they are difficult to replace. I asked for a series of reinforcements but for various reasons the deals were not able to be closed."


And you think what Redknapp did was worse?
fudge me, now there's a staunch AVB crowd ? PMSL - where do the meetings take place lads??

Would have thought anyone with a bit of common sense would be pro 'whoever the current manager is' this early in to his time here and quite what supporting our CURRENT manager has to do with our PREVIOUS manager i do not know.
fudge me, now there's a staunch AVB crowd ? PMSL - where do the meetings take place lads??

Would have thought anyone with a bit of common sense would be pro 'whoever the current manager is' this early in to his time here and quite what supporting our CURRENT manager has to do with our PREVIOUS manager i do not know.

Apparently, as we also see with Friedel/Lloris, if you were critical of one guy, you have to be equally critical of the next guy. The fact that they're different people trying to perform under different circumstances doesn't matter.
Not that Berba brick again, mate :ross:

We've done it to death me and you. Empty PR words from a profit driven man who made sure we extract the highest fee possible then took a swipe back to get on the fans good books for the tragedy which took place that summer with Keane, Berbs, etc.

And STILL considered bringing him back in the summer as AVB confirmed
Not that Berba brick again, mate :ross:

We've done it to death me and you. Empty PR words from a profit driven man who made sure we extract the highest fee possible then took a swipe back to get on the fans good books for the tragedy which took place that summer with Keane, Berbs, etc.

And STILL considered bringing him back in the summer as AVB confirmed

So were Woodgate and Hans Segers words empty PR drivel too then?

Do you know, I don't believe Harry did anything wrong last season, it's all just PR spin :)
Similar sources claimde he got Jol sacked and they hated each other - guess what happened in the summer - newfound love. Only reason why he chose Fulham, etc.

Yeah, PR-spin - his body double gave those interviews from the Wayne Rover
Similar sources claimde he got Jol sacked and they hated each other - guess what happened in the summer - newfound love. Only reason why he chose Fulham, etc.

Yeah, PR-spin - his body double gave those interviews from the Wayne Rover

Doesn't mean he didn't refuse to come on when Jol was here. Your hypocrisy is breathtaking!
Do you honestly believe if those 2 hated each other so much he would choose the mighty Fulham ahead of Juventus FC and Fiorentina just so he can work with him again - something he's stated in numerous interviews already.
Do you honestly believe if those 2 hated each other so much he would choose the mighty Fulham ahead of Juventus FC and Fiorentina just so he can work with him again - something he's stated in numerous interviews already.

Maybe him and Jol patched things up. Maybe he wanted to stay in England and wasn't confident of starting every game for Juve, whereas he knew he'd walk into Fulham's side.
Yeah, they hooked up over a piece of chocolate cake and re-connected

May be

May be we'll never know the full facts of either side ;)
Apparently, as we also see with Friedel/Lloris, if you were critical of one guy, you have to be equally critical of the next guy. The fact that they're different people trying to perform under different circumstances doesn't matter.

Not to mention the disgraceful hypocrisy and double-standards some of our recent thread-contributors have had to suffer. Poor lambs. It must be so hard being visions of perfection, balance, truth and fairness. I only wish I could close to such excellence...
Not to mention the disgraceful hypocrisy and double-standards some of our recent thread-contributors have had to suffer. Poor lambs. It must be so hard being visions of perfection, balance, truth and fairness. I only wish I could close to such excellence...

You'll never be able to reach those levels imho.
Not to mention the disgraceful hypocrisy and double-standards some of our recent thread-contributors have had to suffer. Poor lambs. It must be so hard being visions of perfection, balance, truth and fairness. I only wish I could close to such excellence...

...but I trust you'll continue to tell me how it feels to be there, right?


no, i can only hope that one day you'll be consistent in your views and you will quit being a hypocrite when making comments about Redknapp/Friedel. Friedel i think there's hope but Redknapp? not a chance in hell imo.

Oh look..there's the predictable cheerleader. Didn't think that was gonna happen....:ross:
no, i can only hope that one day you'll be consistent in your views and you will quit being a hypocrite when making comments about Redknapp/Friedel. Friedel i think there's hope but Redknapp? not a chance in hell imo.

Oh look..there's the predictable cheerleader. Didn't think that was gonna happen....:ross:

No hypocrisy whatsoever with regards to either. We have very different definitions of the word 'hypocrisy' and they rely on another word, context.

What's funny is that in recent posts, you're trying to reinvent yourself as one of those who has 'always' seen what Harry 'is' and have, indeed, tried to claim some sort of applause for a thread you say you started earlier in the year about how you wanted Harry out (cannot remember but swear you said this was in Jan????) which is, frankly, as bizarre as it is funny...as for your twisting of context and circumstance with regards to any comments I've made about Friedel and Lloris, it's far more embarrassing than any perceived 'hypocrisy' on my part.

In fact, why not make some legitimate comments on how you think Redknapp will fare with QPR as opposed to trying this 'moral guardian' rubbish...nothing 'fake-ass' here King, and not interested in hiding either. Never have been, behind 'language' or whatever...
What's funny is that in recent posts, you're trying to reinvent yourself as one of those who has 'always' seen what Harry 'is' and have, indeed, tried to claim some sort of applause for a thread you say you started earlier in the year about how you wanted Harry out (cannot remember but swear you said this was in Jan????) which is, frankly, as bizarre as it is funny...as for your twisting of context and circumstance with regards to any comments I've made about Friedel and Lloris, it's far more embarrassing than any perceived 'hypocrisy' on my part.


Well i have, i mean that's the truth and it doesn't take a genius to see it either. What the difference between me and you is that i can differentiate between the man personally and his managerial ability. Since you apparently found out various bits of itk about Arry (btw do you remember i was the one that constantly defended you whilst you was ridiculed by many? if you don't remember then i can quite happily refresh your memory by pm'ing you a with a few pm exchanges we had at the time). Well anyway since that time you've just become totally irrational when speaking about Redknapp and it's simply bizarre.

There's no twisting context involved on my part regarding your thoughts on Redkanpp but your blind dislike/hatred will not let you see it imo.
Amazing really how you can't see he did a great job for despite his shortcomings and mistakes and you can't forgive and forget with regards to the England job, but you're fine with players bricking on our club and even go to great lengths to deny that they even did anything wrong at all despite both players' unprofessionalism being well documented.