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*** Official Film Thread ***

You didn't like Bad boys, the Rock, the island, the first transformers movie? I know non of them are exactly oscar movies, but they're very good to excellent popcorn action adventures?!

I guess it's just different tastes though.

Bad Boys is good, the sequel is dreadful and just an excuse to play Nelly's latest single (at the time) every 5 minutes!

The Rock is one of the best action films ever made!

Not keen on The Island.

The first Transformers film was good. Didn't even bother watching the last one as they are too fecking long. I swear he promised the 4th film would be shorter in length as people complained the 3rd film was too long, but the 4th was even longer! They should be 90 minutes, not pushing 3 hours.

Lets face it, Michael Bay is a hack, but he does make the occasional good/great action film. He also has a thing for helicopters and sunsets.
Yea the only Michael bay films I really like are the four I listed and 13 hours. I was just responding to Kandi who said he always over does it.
Yea the only Michael bay films I really like are the four I listed and 13 hours. I was just responding to Kandi who said he always over does it.
Do any of them contain any form of realism?
Bad Boys and the rock work. The rest are just a fudgefest of CGI
I am lost with Alien and the new film

I get that they do not acknowledge past the 3rd film now, but I didn't realise that that there had already been a new Alien film in 2012 and the one in 2017 is the second in that prequel series? Was the film in 2012 any good?
I am lost with Alien and the new film

I get that they do not acknowledge past the 3rd film now, but I didn't realise that that there had already been a new Alien film in 2012 and the one in 2017 is the second in that prequel series? Was the film in 2012 any good?

Fro me, Prometheus (2012) was decent without being as good as Alien and Aliens. The new film due next year Alien:Covenant, I believe (could be wrong) is supposed to bridge the storyline/timeline between Prometheus and Alien.
Also, rumours abound another Alien is being planned which could be an alternative scenario to Alien 3, where Hicks and Newt arent found dead
Saw Rogue One lastnight, Edwards nailed it, I loved it loved it loved it

Would honestly say it's one of the best Star Wars films ever made

B movie directors grown-up - Peter Jackson, Sam Raimi, Edgar Wright etc. - often do the best job with things like this. Much more capable hands than the standard Hollywood studio hacks.

I've not seen this yet, but there's actually only one good Star Wars film (Empire Strikes Back). The performances of Cushing, Guinness and Lee are the only reasons to watch the other ones
Fro me, Prometheus (2012) was decent without being as good as Alien and Aliens. The new film due next year Alien:Covenant, I believe (could be wrong) is supposed to bridge the storyline/timeline between Prometheus and Alien.
Also, rumours abound another Alien is being planned which could be an alternative scenario to Alien 3, where Hicks and Newt arent found dead

That would be great, I felt abit let down that Aliens went a long way to save Hicks and he was killed off before a scene in Alien 3

YOu would have to get Michael Biehn back as an older Hicks, he was the man
B movie directors grown-up - Peter Jackson, Sam Raimi, Edgar Wright etc. - often do the best job with things like this. Much more capable hands than the standard Hollywood studio hacks.

I've not seen this yet, but there's actually only one good Star Wars film (Empire Strikes Back). The performances of Cushing, Guinness and Lee are the only reasons to watch the other ones
It's comforting you know as much about film as football. :)
It always amazes me when people expect an adventure film to be anything other than escapism. Do people go to see a Transformers film to find the meaning of life or an analogy of the situation in the Middle East. There are many types of films and I like most (except musicals without Fred Astarie) and I watch them as a form of entertainment and not as a critic. The dialogue in most action films come along way behind the CGI and BANG, CRASH, SMASH which replaces acting.
It always amazes me when people expect an adventure film to be anything other than escapism. Do people go to see a Transformers film to find the meaning of life or an analogy of the situation in the Middle East. There are many types of films and I like most (except musicals without Fred Astarie) and I watch them as a form of entertainment and not as a critic. The dialogue in most action films come along way behind the CGI and BANG, CRASH, SMASH which replaces acting.

Fair enough but even within the genre you can have good and bad examples - I Love Guardians of the Galaxy and think Transformers is a crap film.
It always amazes me when people expect an adventure film to be anything other than escapism. Do people go to see a Transformers film to find the meaning of life or an analogy of the situation in the Middle East. There are many types of films and I like most (except musicals without Fred Astarie) and I watch them as a form of entertainment and not as a critic. The dialogue in most action films come along way behind the CGI and BANG, CRASH, SMASH which replaces acting.

The great films work on lots of levels. Look at the Miyazaki films - simple engaging children's stories, but also brilliantly conveys much deeper messages about feminism, environmentalism etc (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-38074088)

If the dialogue is dud, films lose all internal consistency/believability. Hence why Da Vinci Code or 50 Shades for example are so incredibly bad. It's like listening to music where the instruments are out of tune.
The early HD Cam's that come out these days are such decent quality, the Passengers one that is floating around is excellent for a 1st version