Vic Buckingham
Just got home after seeing "Django Unchained". Good movie if it is 30 mins too long but some fantastic performances which you'd expect from a Tarantino film, most notably from Christoph Waltz and Leo di Caprio. Jamie Foxx is very good too, although I am slightly puzzled why he was chosen for the role. However, it would be hard for any actor to steal the scenes that he shares with Waltz, who is just as excellent as he is in Inglorious Bastards. As with IB, there are some scenes that seem to drift away from the main plot for no apparent reason, but all-in-all I enjoyed this more. Tarantino's best movie since Kill Bill 2 IMO.
For me, it colloquialized the disgrace that was slavery in the US for a generation who would otherwise not bother. Tarantino does not skip on the ugliness or brutality, and whilst his films are usually both, here there is the added resonance of knowing this disgraceful brick actually HAPPENED to US blacks. I defy anyone not to feel uneasy at times. It's a disgrace!
The fact that QT dressed it up in a Peckinpah-like nod to the 60s cowboy flick of the same name (minus unchained) is situational.
I thought it was his best film for 15 years. And yes, it was also very, very entertaining!