Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
So what's the verdict on Jack Reacharound?
Can't believe no-one has posted about Django Unchained yet. Off to see it tomorrow night
I mentioned it a few months back after seeing the trailer before Skyfall. No one really seemed to interested in it despite its big name cast and the fact its a tarrentino flick
Good movie on tomorrow night.
'Moon' BBC2 @10pm
I watched The Hobbit last week and have racked up the Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers this week. I have watched the other two before but a long time ago - have never watched the Return of The King so gonna do that on sunday and I can't wait!
Can't believe no-one has posted about Django Unchained yet. Off to see it tomorrow night
watched donnie darko last night. one of my all time faves, beautiful film.