Cheers for two more excellent posts Dubai. Appreciated, you're obviously way more informed than I am or will ever be on this topic. A couple of questions, if you don't mind
Would you say that even without this new Trident program there are no countries outside Russia and the US that the UK couldn't match up to in a nuclear way in the foreseeable future? Seems to me that's pretty much what you're saying.
I still think you overestimate somewhat our ability to predict future developments.
How stable do you think the situation in Russia is?
Do you think there's a need to plan for the worst? Just looking at for example the potential upheaval and change that will follow in the worlds should climate change be as bad as some people think as an example. Or is there no point in expensive planning for worst case scenarios as a country like yours could just play catchup on the nuclear stage should something bad happen?
Firstly, no worries, mate! Political science was one of my two majors at university, and I delved into international relations as a speciality. Hence the elaborate-sounding waffle.
Responding to your questions, firstly, no, I'm not saying the US and Russia are the only countries that could challenge us in a nuclear conflict. Right now, the US (5,000), Russia (3,100, judging by Alexander Khramchikhin's estimates), France (300+) and Israel (300-400) all have bigger nuclear arsenals than us, the US and Russia by orders of magnitudes.
However, firstly, it is fair enough to assume that not all these weapons will be aimed at the UK. Deterrence involves planning against any potential aggressors, and I'd wager Israel plans its nuclear deployments based on the distance to Damascus, Cairo and Tehran, not London, Birmingham and co. Similarly, France's 'force de frappe' is a deterrent independent of NATO, and was declared in the 70's and 80's to be designed almost exclusively against Soviet aggression. Today, I'd wager a lot of their 'active' warheads are still targeted at Russia and the ex-Soviet republics, which seems the most likely source of European hegemonic ambitions in the future.
That leaves the US and Russia. However, most of their arsenals are in cold storage, and the 'active' weapons that remain (1000+ on both sides) are targeted almost exclusively at each other, a remnant of Cold War strategic planning and a recognition that the size of their respective nuclear weapons pools will definitely not be overtaken by any nation within the next half-century, such is the size of their strategic arsenals.
Now, there is an element of danger involved in estimating threats to nations and basing nuclear deterrence plans (mostly secret) around assumptions about said threat levels. But it is safe to assume that any weapons aimed at the UK will be minimal in number on France, Israel and the U.S's side, due to the strategic efforts of British foreign policy over the last fifty years that have left us firmly embedded in the 'Western' camp, alongside them when it comes to power projection and national interests. So the threats to the U.K, by deduction, will emanate from a (future) resurgent Russia, much like in the Cold War. However, again, the Russians cannot afford to focus on us when the U.S still maintains its huge weapons base. So it is safe to assume that they will assign to us a number of weapons consistent with the weapons we aim at them.
In essence, we are secondary or even tertiary targets for almost every one of these nations. So the prospect of competing against them, necessitating a 'them against us' nuclear comparison, is remote. The one threat I think stands out above the others here is Israel's rumored 'Samson option', which is a reference to Samson bringing the temple down on the Philistines and himself. This holds that in the event of an existential threat against Israel (i.e, when the U.S abandons Israel to its fate and Arab nations move in for the kill), Israel will fire its nukes at the 'civilized' world (read: New York, London, Moscow, Paris, etcetera) to take the world down with it. In essence, it's a 'support us or we'll take you all down with us' threat. Its validity has been the subject of much discussion, and scholars aren't even sure it exists, but the noises from retired Israeli commanders and prime ministers over the years haven't been encouraging.
In summary: focusing on a comparison is irrelevant, because we are not the 'prime target' of any nation, and thus cannot find an adequate opponent to measure up to. The U.S and Russia's arsenals are large enough that they can assign a portion of them to us commensurate with our threat level, making comparison attempts useless. France doesn't particularly care about us threat-wise, so they won't have many nukes budgeted for us. Israel's a bit of an anomaly, but it is fairly certain they aim to deter Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iran and co. rather than the EU and the US. To truly measure up our nuclear capabilities, we need to have a situation where we can completely focus on one opponent (like in the Cold War) and thus measure our arsenal against it. right now, I'd wager bits of our capabilities are pointed in all sorts of directions, making comparisons useless.
The second question's interesting. Russia's situation at the moment is more stable than many give it credit for. Sure, you have an upsurge in communist tendencies as people hanker for the old days when Soviet Russia was a superpower and the money wasn't all in the hands of a few oligarchs. And yes,other people are getting equally desirous for genuine pluralistic democracy, something Putin's strong-man regime doesn't provide. But these two tendencies are mutually exclusive, and when you add the increasing racism and inequality of Russian society into the mix, you have a society rife with divisions, which perfectly suits Putin and his regime since that means there is no unified opposition to his rule. So I'm fairly certain he isn't going to fall anytime soon.
However, their capacity to become a superpower again seems vastly diminished. Russia's economic indicators are poor: currently driven by oil and gas revenues, Russia's need to diversify its industrial sectors beyond reliance on natural resource exports is pressing, yet investors and companies are put off by the labyrinthine bureaucracy, rampant corruption, shady business practices and powerful organized crime groups. Until it gets the revenues it needs to rebuild its stagnant army and air-force, re-open the Black Sea bases it shut down after the Cold War, re-arm its surface fleets (crucial to modern power projection) and re-build its flailing and deeply unreliable arms export industry, Russia's ability to transform into a superpower will remain almost nil. However, its sphere of influence in oil-rich Central Asia, and its claim on the rich gas fields of the Arctic, are both huge potential revenue generators, so the prospect cannot be discounted entirely.
In twenty years, if Russia invests wisely, reduces the oligarchs' power (something it is currently doing, with the persecution of the likes of Berezovsky and Abramovich), makes itself a favored FDI destination and diversifies its economy, it has the potential to rival China as a challenger to the U.S hegemony. However, it must be noted that they're still essentially operating under a U.S system of global trade and capitalism, and thus will always be hindered.
Finally, climate change will hit us in full force about twenty years from now. There is also an asteroid projected to pass close to us within that time period. These are assured. Beyond this, however, when you come to human possiblities, it becomes much, much murkier. China and India could either go into conflict (the favored solution to their rise, from the U.S point of view) or form an economic bloc (as you saw with BRIC's new wealth fund the other day) and emerge as a direct challenger to the EU-US hegemony. The U.S could finally, resignedly default on its huge foreign debt bill and shock the world economy into double-digit recession rates, or it could attempt to preserve its standing via expensive and possibly extremely dangerous military flexing. The world could see the advent of the singularity, as technology improve to the point where the human brain is augmented into a higher intelligence, thus rendering any attempts to predict anything beyond that point meaningless (due to our fleshy normal brains being unable to understand this new artificially augmented human's thought patterns), or we could be sucked into a third world war as a result of famines, drought and global anger over an unequal economic system.
Attempting to predict future 'events' or 'trends' is meaningless when it comes to humanity. All we can do is pursue aims: short term and long term. As the UK, our short term aim should be to get our nation back in order without sacrificing the welfare state we pioneered: to erase the deficit and get us back on a sound economic footing without risking rioting and open rebellion in the process by destroying the social securities that have kept people contented for these last sixty-odd years. If this means isolationism, looking inward, and temporarily suspending our expensive ballistic submarines, Queen Elizabeth-class carriers and F-35 orders, so be it. A minimal deterrent should be aimed for, and if possible our conventional forces should be boosted somewhat (which is possible without the QE carriers or the submarines), to enable us to ward off low-level threats.
Long term, our aims should be to achieve a dominant position on the continent. Whether that is by integrating with the EU or by operating outside of it is open to debate, but what is becoming increasingly clear is that our future lies within our geographic proximity, i.e within Europe. We cannot project power into other emerging national 'blocs' (China-India, U.S-Canada-Mexico, Brazil, Russia, East Asia (Japan-South Korea-Malaysia etcetera)) as we once could when Europe (and to a lesser extent, North America) was the world's leading power location and a scramble to claim African, Asian and South American lands ensued. In the new world, we are seeing power blocs emerge that can easily match our technological and economic prowess, and thus limiting our influence to 'local' regions. Again, that means Europe. Now, whether that means military domination, economic domination or diplomatic (via the EU) domination is again, open to interpretation, but that must be our aim.
Oh, and becoming Europe's 'navy' again couldn't hurt. We are an island, after all, and conventional power projection depends entirely on the navy nowadays.