Allegri? Blimey I thought Levy had already achieved turning us into a complete and utter laughing stock seems he's not content with just that
Allegri? Blimey I thought Levy had already achieved turning us into a complete and utter laughing stock seems he's not content with just that
Don't know Italian football, who is this Allegri. Whoop, what makes you think we would be an even bigger laughing stock?
Don't know Italian football, who is this Allegri. Whoop, what makes you think we would be an even bigger laughing stock?
I would like to know as well?
Allegri did a good job at Milan under very hard conditions, won the title in the first season, then Milan went on a cost cutting spree. The likes of Ibra, silva and van bommell were sold, he was expected to carry on having success but relying on youth team players.[b/] You only have to look at Milan now to see how well things are going for them.
He's a flexible coach when it comes to formations he likes his teams to attack and can get a lot out of average players, I think he would be a good appointment.
Don't know Italian football, who is this Allegri.
he'd give Sherwood the rest of his 18 month contract and hope it works out
There's no way Levy will appoint Allegri. None. The story is total bollox. Levy has been stung by CV's like his several times before and there's no way he'll run the same risk. No way. Take it to the bank.
Our next manager will be Louis van Gaal or Tim Sherwood, bar the unexpected availability of some other name who's not now free - Ancelotti, Rafa, Klopp (and I would say only CA of those three is likely to become available).
Since Arsenal and Man Utd will almost certainly not need new managers next season, LvG is still overwhelmingly likely.
If he somehow falls through, it'll be Sherwood, unless Ancellotti/Rafa/Klopp gets the bullet and wants to return to England. Levy is not going to jump down his wish-list 3 or 4 places and invest more time/money on some random dice-throw like Allegri or Poccetiho. Instead, if LvG falls through, he'd give Sherwood the rest of his 18 month contract and hope it works out, and if it doesn't he can see who's available then.
I'd place a hefty wager on the above being Levy's thinking.
I would rather see Alllegri than Sherwood, but not top of my list anyway.
Does anyone know if Allegri speaks decent English?
Is that Corriere dello Sport paper the original source for this rumour? I think it is, and see no real reason to trust them. Unless a rumour (from Italy or about Italians or someone who once ate a half decent carbonara) is from DiMarzio I'm not trusting it![]()