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Next Manager?

A simple denial from the club, and a staement about the process, immediately puts a stop to all of the poor PR.

Makes you wonder why it hasn't happened.
Because then any story they didn't deny would be taken as true. They're not going to deny every bit fake news, they wouldn't have time for anything else
Given how cash strapped we seem to be, wonder whether Lucien Favre might have a good chance? He's available, and plays the right type of football

* Disclaimer (because I've had enough) -> my statement below is in no way defending the club/ENIC/Levy, so don't try to make it that way

I'm not sold on the cash strapped thing (unless something has changed post Jose)
- We fired Jose, likely without knowing he would immediately find a job, so would have budgeted for his payout
- If we knew we were completely cash strapped, not sure the DoF makes sense (no rebuild would be likely)
- Parker was a real option if we wanted cheap, and while some would have said lack of ambition, most fans would have warmed to him, because he's Scotty
- If it's life/death cash problems, we would be cashing in on Kane, Son, Dele, the first two we really don't seem to be actively doing.

Something is off, no idea what/why, but I don't think it's just a case of zero funds (but might be wrong, who knows)
I’m being asked for evidence all the time on here. You will not be able to find a trusted journalist saying it was a ‘done deal’ or ‘signed’ because none of the core group said that.

This is slightly different to what I was annoyed about a few weeks ago (the club pumping stories of Conte and Poch in the week’s before season ticket deadline). People would argue they weren’t doing that, fine. But this is simply a debate around whether or not we have gone from Nagelsmann, to Flick, to Poch, Conte, Fonseca, to Gattuso. And there seems to be a really desperate attempt to divert any scrutiny at all away from the club and Levy’s role in all of this. To the point people seem to be arguing we’ve either not spoken to anyone, because Levy hasn’t gone on the record with it, or there is a master plan that nobody can see. Because they are the only alternatives to believing that journalists with a line into the club have known about our top targets.

Every other online Spurs community, forum, Twitter, Reddit, all seems to be pretty firmly aligned around how this looks a little chaotic. And it seems to be in this small pocket will seemingly resist the bleeding obvious and do mental gymnastics so they can believe the club is handling this as smoothly as possible.

Last time with this.
It's the same people spouting the same brick and there has been nothing, not one piece of evidence to back it, and they constantly get it wrong, and yet you take everything they say as gospel.
I'm doing no gymnastics, mental or otherwise, I've made my views on how I feel about how this is being handled perfectly clear.
And they aren't complimentary.
There are plenty on here lining up to take pot shots based on extremely dubious sources.
OTE="fernadez, post: 1473849, member: 35"]How has Levy managed to hire a DOF that's worse at finding a new manager than he is

And further more one who has a completely different idea of what the make up of said manager should be.[/QUOTE]

He hired him based on his reputation not his suitability for the club.
Exact same as Mourinho.
Last time with this.
It's the same people spouting the same brick and there has been nothing, not one piece of evidence to back it, and they constantly get it wrong, and yet you take everything they say as gospel.
I'm doing no gymnastics, mental or otherwise, I've made my views on how I feel about how this is being handled perfectly clear.
And they aren't complimentary.
There are plenty on here lining up to take pot shots based on extremely dubious sources.

What exactly are they getting wrong? That we have had some advanced discussions with managerial candidates? What exactly is hard to take in about this?
What exactly are they getting wrong? That we have had some advanced discussions with managerial candidates? What exactly is hard to take in about this?

We offered Flick the job, he said no. Apart from speaking to the man himself, speaking to one of his staff members is as close as any of us are likely to get.

So either we offered him the job and nobody else...or we've offered it/discussed it with multiple people and none have worked out.

People are free to choose.
What exactly are they getting wrong? That we have had some advanced discussions with managerial candidates? What exactly is hard to take in about this?

And who said we had advanced discussion, they did.
Not the club, the journos.
They are quoting and retweeting each other as if that's proof.
Have the club made any statement about about Fonseca?
* Disclaimer (because I've had enough) -> my statement below is in no way defending the club/ENIC/Levy, so don't try to make it that way

I'm not sold on the cash strapped thing (unless something has changed post Jose)
- We fired Jose, likely without knowing he would immediately find a job, so would have budgeted for his payout
- If we knew we were completely cash strapped, not sure the DoF makes sense (no rebuild would be likely)
- Parker was a real option if we wanted cheap, and while some would have said lack of ambition, most fans would have warmed to him, because he's Scotty
- If it's life/death cash problems, we would be cashing in on Kane, Son, Dele, the first two we really don't seem to be actively doing.

Something is off, no idea what/why, but I don't think it's just a case of zero funds (but might be wrong, who knows)

My thoughts...If we have financial issues then why do we have the highest paid chairman in the league...?