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Nabil Bentaleb

Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

FFS not this again
He's not eligible (just like Januzaj) unless the 4 home nations change the ruling they made with FIFA in 2009.
None of them will.

This is from last year


Swansea City defender Angel Rangel ineligible for Wales

The Football Association of Wales has confirmed Swansea City defender Angel Rangel is not eligible to represent Wales.
The 29-year-old has resided in Wales for five years since joining Swansea from Terrassa in June 2007.
Rangel has made over 200 games for Swansea and was a regular in the Premier League last season.
The FAW have confirmed Rangel is not eligible under an agreement the four home nations have lodged with Fifa.
Other than birthplace, parents or grandparents players can only represent one of the home nations if they have had five years of continuous education up to the age of 18 in that country.

That ruling, introduced by Fifa in 2009, has led to England-born Crystal Palace midfielder Andy Dorman winning three caps for Wales.
Stoke City defender Ryan Shawcross, who was raised in north east Wales, is also eligible under the same ruling but has previously turned down Wales' advances.
Wales manager Chris Coleman has said he would consider approaching Shawcross but would only do so after consulting with national team captain Aaron Ramsey .
Ramsey's leg was broken in six places after a tackle by Shawcross during Arsenal's Premier League match at Stoke in February 2010.
Cardiff City defender Ben Turner is anothwer player eligible through his Welsh grandparents.

Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

haha, fair enough :lol:

It's a hunch that Chadli will end up as Ade's backup -- you heard it here first ;)

I like the bravery :) To be fair he has the attributes more than he does for being a winger, you never know. Could be our Henry... :)
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Tim Sherwood (on Bentaleb):

"It's only last few weeks I've heard him speak French for first time.

I thought he was from Harlow or somewhere!"
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

So has there been any mention from Nabil which country he will want to represent? Surely he could walk right into the Algerian team, maybe even a long shot to get into the French squad if he keeps this form up?
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

So has there been any mention from Nabil which country he will want to represent? Surely he could walk right into the Algerian team, maybe even a long shot to get into the French squad if he keeps this form up?

Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

have not seen bentaleb communicating much with the other players - especially dembele, Chiriches and dawson - whats the deal here, is he just quiet or introverted?
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Young player walking in to a team of senior pros, doubt he's gonna be the most vocal. Did see him chatting with Dembele and Capoue on many occasions though
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Seen quite a few people going on about his lack of positional understanding but I think that will come in time.

Just think about the opposition he's faced... Swansea, Southampton, Emirates Marketing Project, away at Ars*nal... Not bad for a kid who turned 19 just 3 months ago.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Young player walking in to a team of senior pros, doubt he's gonna be the most vocal. Did see him chatting with Dembele and Capoue on many occasions though

don't need him to be a captain marvel, but i can't believe that dawson for instance, wouldn't be calling for an extra CM to chase down a free man in front of him. is it me or are we a relatively quieter team, with not much chatter on the pitch.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

What were his passing stats against City then? Everyone has poured into them for every other game.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

No better than Jenas at the moment and has no idea how to defend. Think people are giving him benefit of the doubt because he is young. I'm sure he will come good but he is keeping players out of the team who are twice as good as him.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Thought he looked out of his depth against Emirates Marketing Project.

Then again, so did Tottenham as a whole.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

I either watch completely different games than anyone else on here or I am a raving lunatic.

It is plain to see just from watching ten minutes of him that he has to his game than Jenas. Composure on the ball, good first touch, knows when to release the ball early and when to hold on to it.

And to say that someone who has consistently made the most passes out of anyone on the pitch in every game he's played plays like Adel Taarabt??? I'm amazed by that comment to be honest!

I suppose football is all about opinions though!