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Nabil Bentaleb

Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

where does this lads current form leave Tom Carroll come the summer? i can't imagine we will be able to keep both around without stalling their development (lack of enough game time for both)

do you think maybe we'll see Bentaleb get himself a premiership loan move for a season, at a club where he will be considered first choice whilst we run the rule over Carroll for a season and see if he has what it takes? or do we think Carroll we be shipped out on loan again (surely at his age signalling the end of any real chance of establishing himself in the first team squad) or sold?

Right now he deserves to be ahead of Carroll in terms of getting game time for us. Although younger he's stronger and more athletic so not surprising perhaps that he's developing into a first team PL player earlier than Carroll?

Come the summer it depends on what we do in the transfer market (and of course on who is our manager come the start of the season). Sherwood seems to want at least one proper passer in central midfield. If we sign a clear first choice player like that to come into the squad perhaps a PL loan for Bentaleb would be better for his development. If we don't sign someone Bentaleb will continue to be our best option for a passer in central midfield I think and loaning him out would be a mistake. He will have to prove himself as the season wears on, if he continues to get game time and impress after Sandro and Paulinho are back from injury I don't think we will loan him out come the summer.

Even if Carroll is sent out on loan again come the summer I don't think it's necessarily the end for his chances of establishing himself in our first team squad. IIRC Tom Cleverley was out on loan to Wigan when he was around that age and came back to United and established himself as at least a useful squad player.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

think id prefer him coming through the middle and have genuine wide/inverted wide players in the forward positions.

To each his own!

I'd have Eriksen on the left of a front 3, with Holtby as his backup. On the other flank, one of Lennon/Lamela/Townsend (with one of them going in the summer). Sig would also probably go in the summer. Convert Chadli to a forward to cover for Ade (I think he could do this, I think he is the player we have most similar to Ade). Soldado will go in the summer imo.

So, for argument's sake, squad shapes up something like:


Think that squad is good, Baldini doesn't come off too bad bar Soldado, Sherwood gets his younger players into the setup and we get to watch a well balanced team spank a few people :)

Sorry for going off topic, I'll shutup about this now.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

id like to see Eriksen and Bentaleb play as two of the midfield 3 with a DM in behind - two passers in the middle, imagine that! Lennon on the right Townsend on the left Ade in the middle, bosh
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

id like to see Eriksen and Bentaleb play as two of the midfield 3 with a DM in behind - two passers in the middle, imagine that! Lennon on the right Townsend on the left Ade in the middle, bosh

I think in certain games, that'd be excellent. Sherwood has plenty at his disposal when they are all fit, that's for sure. Whatever he decides to do, I'm happy if he leaves Bentaleb in the team -- I think it's brilliant to have a classy, academy player making an impact in the side. Having Ledley in the side (when he was at his best) was always a source of pride when I watched us, much more so than a big money signing.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

To each his own!

I'd have Eriksen on the left of a front 3, with Holtby as his backup. On the other flank, one of Lennon/Lamela/Townsend (with one of them going in the summer). Sig would also probably go in the summer. Convert Chadli to a forward to cover for Ade (I think he could do this, I think he is the player we have most similar to Ade). Soldado will go in the summer imo.

So, for argument's sake, squad shapes up something like:


Think that squad is good, Baldini doesn't come off too bad bar Soldado, Sherwood gets his younger players into the setup and we get to watch a well balanced team spank a few people :)

Sorry for going off topic, I'll shutup about this now.

Oh my GHod, thank GHod you have nothing to do with our team :) You would still have friedel as our,a in back up? Rose and fryers a source ft back options? Sell soldado and Lennon? Have chadli as our back up striker? Keep holtby? Oh boy... You trying to destroy us :)
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

wqwould only change the team cause its city

otherwise why change a winning team?

play townsend instead of chadli

play sandro instead of bentaleb, sandro is still and shall forevere be the fist name on the team sheet IMO.....

play verts instead of rose

paulinho can wait his turn
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

wqwould only change the team cause its city

otherwise why change a winning team?

play townsend instead of chadli

play sandro instead of bentaleb, sandro is still and shall forevere be the fist name on the team sheet IMO.....

play verts instead of rose

paulinho can wait his turn

Why change a winning team? Strange thing to say after we beat Palace, changed the team and shape for the game against Swansea and went on to win again and put in a really good performance.

Vertonghen played at left back at the Etihad didn't he? Didn't exactly work out... Both Rose and Verts would be vulnerable up against City, the key is protection for the full back. To me keeping Chadli in the team would make a lot of sense for that very reason.

What Sherwood does when Sandro returns, particularly against City (if he's back for that) will be very interesting. Like you I see no possible way to not start Sandro, but after that? Dembele has been very good too. Would be interesting to see a midfield 3 with Sandro, Dembele and Bentaleb against City perhaps? With Eriksen shifted wide left. I think that would be my preferred line-up if Sandro is back.

This game would probably be one of the games where I could really see the argument for not starting Bentaleb at the moment. Being competitive in the centre of the pitch up against Toure, Fernandinho etc will be vital. Set up to sit deep, defend and counter attack essentially. But Sherwood has shown in his selections and subs, and also stated outright, that he's focusing on passing and that part of winning most games will be based on us passing the ball better. To that Bentaleb is massively important I think and because of that I think he will be in contention even for this game as I'm not convinced Sherwood will set us up to sit back and defend.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

The first name on the team sheet for me . You just cant ignore the pass stats of the youngster.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Why change a winning team? Strange thing to say after we beat Palace, changed the team and shape for the game against Swansea and went on to win again and put in a really good performance.

Vertonghen played at left back at the Etihad didn't he? Didn't exactly work out... Both Rose and Verts would be vulnerable up against City, the key is protection for the full back. To me keeping Chadli in the team would make a lot of sense for that very reason.

What Sherwood does when Sandro returns, particularly against City (if he's back for that) will be very interesting. Like you I see no possible way to not start Sandro, but after that? Dembele has been very good too. Would be interesting to see a midfield 3 with Sandro, Dembele and Bentaleb against City perhaps? With Eriksen shifted wide left. I think that would be my preferred line-up if Sandro is back.

This game would probably be one of the games where I could really see the argument for not starting Bentaleb at the moment. Being competitive in the centre of the pitch up against Toure, Fernandinho etc will be vital. Set up to sit deep, defend and counter attack essentially. But Sherwood has shown in his selections and subs, and also stated outright, that he's focusing on passing and that part of winning most games will be based on us passing the ball better. To that Bentaleb is massively important I think and because of that I think he will be in contention even for this game as I'm not convinced Sherwood will set us up to sit back and defend.

we moved ONE guy

and we actually stayed similar. the only difference was that chadli dropped deeper when we didnt have the ball..otherwise you could argue we had two up front against swansea when we had the ball...ade dropped deep into the midfield sometimes with eriksen and chadli ahead of him

vertonghen played at left back but i have erased things under AVB in my mind when some abnormal stuff happened. give that another run..this time with sandro protecting the inside channel , vertonghen is a better but less athletic left back than rose to me, positionally as well very good on the offensive end and sees things as they should manifest when we have the ball...he just seems to be able to put himself in the right and obvious place when the time is right. and a combination between him and eriksen (two friends from past club) should yeild decent returns

chadli does protect the full back but thas not his job in the replacement ..chadli was central against swansea...here is something new for me

i want townsend to play central drifting behind ade!!!

yes you heard it here first.......

that does leave us in a predicament i do agree...with verts getting overloaded on his side but they also have to contend with us overloading either side of theirs wherever townsend decides to drift to (assum,ing he is given a bit of freedom to so so)...and they would actually have to worry about us too for added effect

the probelm i see is only that of eriksen defending

there is definately a problem i see with no starting bentaleb .....cause people are underrating the effect of having a decent supply line to the creative people. BUT....i dont think he will cope to well with city's CMs....i think sandro should start and one other between bentaleb/ dembele...i pick demebele again for possesion/ strength/ experience and x factor on the ball

essentially i should have said instead...."why change a winning formula" but i dont think 'team' is far off. its just tweaks to the formation and instructions as opposed to a complete butchery of it
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Oh my GHod, thank GHod you have nothing to do with our team :) You would still have friedel as our,a in back up? Rose and fryers a source ft back options? Sell soldado and Lennon? Have chadli as our back up striker? Keep holtby? Oh boy... You trying to destroy us :)

haha, fair enough :lol:

It's a hunch that Chadli will end up as Ade's backup -- you heard it here first ;)
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Affy: Sure, just normally that when people say "don't change a winning team they're talking about the selection". There were significant changes made and it worked.

I'll save the whole discussion about the team selection for City for another thread :)

Since this is the Bentaleb thread though, just saw this interview post-Swansea from Sherwood where he mentions the City game quickly:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoN62Rs-5lo#t=281

4:20 - "We're just going to try to impose ourselves on them as much as we can because if you just cower down and keep taking punches you'll get knocked out".

This to me seems quite similar to the thinking when bringing Bentaleb on against Southampton and United, and starting him against Arsenal and Swansea.

How are we going to impose ourselves with a central midfield of Sandro and Dembele (even worse if you want Townsend in between them and a lone striker)? I cannot see us getting much joy through the midfield with that line-up and I can see us being reduced to sitting back, defending and counter attacking. There were times last season where I think we could have been solid enough defensively to do that, now though? Not so sure... I think City will be good enough to open us up. We need someone who can control possession for us, someone who can make purposeful passing and make City worry a bit about what goes on between their lines with passes from central areas.

For better of for worse the player in our squad most capable of doing that is Bentaleb. So we're up against a super tough City side, partner him with Dembele and Sandro, make it a 4-3-3/4-5-1 looking formation. All of a sudden we have 5 midfielders with Lennon and Dembele both very capable on the ball, Eriksen and Bentaleb being excellent on the ball and capable of moving it quickly and effectively and Sandro keeping things simple.

Like I said before, particularly if Sandro is fit, this is a game where I can really see the argument for leaving Bentaleb out of the side. Based on what Sherwood has done so far I'm not so sure that's the approach he will take.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

i want townsend to play central drifting behind ade!!!

yes you heard it here first.......

I think Ghod called that position for Andros. I'm sure he put his team on Sky and that's where he'd play him....

wait....are you actually the great Glenn himself?!
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Why change a winning team? Strange thing to say after we beat Palace, changed the team and shape for the game against Swansea and went on to win again and put in a really good performance.

Vertonghen played at left back at the Etihad didn't he? Didn't exactly work out... Both Rose and Verts would be vulnerable up against City, the key is protection for the full back. To me keeping Chadli in the team would make a lot of sense for that very reason.

What Sherwood does when Sandro returns, particularly against City (if he's back for that) will be very interesting. Like you I see no possible way to not start Sandro, but after that? Dembele has been very good too. Would be interesting to see a midfield 3 with Sandro, Dembele and Bentaleb against City perhaps? With Eriksen shifted wide left. I think that would be my preferred line-up if Sandro is back.

This game would probably be one of the games where I could really see the argument for not starting Bentaleb at the moment. Being competitive in the centre of the pitch up against Toure, Fernandinho etc will be vital. Set up to sit deep, defend and counter attack essentially. But Sherwood has shown in his selections and subs, and also stated outright, that he's focusing on passing and that part of winning most games will be based on us passing the ball better. To that Bentaleb is massively important I think and because of that I think he will be in contention even for this game as I'm not convinced Sherwood will set us up to sit back and defend.

**** OMT by the way.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

**** OMT by the way.

Bentaleb is so outrageously awesome that even if his official thread became an OMT against City the mighty OMT gods would run and hide scared of a "puny gods" Hulk-esque smashing and the thread would enter the stories as the first combined player and official match thread as songs of glory echoed through history.

Ok, now at least the criticism of getting ahead of ourselves with Bentaleb are accurate ;)
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread


Look at all the tackles he made yesterday (green x icon)
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

I think Ghod called that position for Andros. I'm sure he put his team on Sky and that's where he'd play him....

wait....are you actually the great Glenn himself?!

i'm sure someone else said it first...just wanted to plant my flag first and patent it...you know ....like billionaires do :lol:
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Nabil Bentaleb has impressed for Spurs with a 93% pass accuracy and has failed to complete just 12 passes in his past two matches.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

I'd have to say that given his ability to pass and move, I'd have him in a midfield with Eriksen and Paulinho. Might be getting ahead of myself but I believe sacrificing either of those two will make our team less than it currently is, Eriksen has certainly shown yesterday where his talents are best used and I think losing one of the attacking outlets ahead of him for a more defensive midfield would stifle us. Maybe in some games yes but not right now.

For the future perhaps we will see:


Very much a reverse of how we played against Swansea with the wide threat coming from the left with Townsend instead of the right with Lennon. Lamela being used on his favoured side as opposed to Chadli. That to me looks like a team where we would have a good mix of techinical skills and athleticism. Bentaleb at the back being our pacemaker with a more physical presence alongside him (Dembele or Paulinho). A DM could be used when needed, but for the most part this would see us use Bentaleb well.
Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Tottenham's Tim Sherwood: Nabil Bentaleb may prompt eligibility battle

The Spurs manager believes the form of his teenage midfielder could lead to an 'arm-wrestle' between England and France over who he should play for, with Algeria also in the running

The Tottenham manager, Tim Sherwood, believes Nabil Bentaleb could be the subject of a potential "arm-wrestle" between England and France over his international eligibility, while Algeria are expected to try to call up the young midfielder later this month.

Bentaleb, 19, has featured regularly in the Spurs starting XI under Sherwood this year and his presence has coincided with a series of impressive team performances, most recently the 3-1 victory over Swansea City on Sunday.

Having previously slipped under the radar after being released by Lille and Mouscron before failing to agree terms with Birmingham City following a trial, the young midfielder signed for Tottenham in January 2012 and made his debut during the 3-2 win at Southampton in December.

Such has been Bentaleb's impressive form that the Football Association has shown an interest in selecting him for England in the future. Having already lived in the country for two years, he would be eligible for England duty in 2017, if he does not play for another international side before then.

Bentaleb was born in Lille to Algerian parents and represented France Under-19s in November 2012 but following Tottenham's win at Swansea Sherwood said he was unsure how closely Les Bleus had been monitoring the player's development.

"If he carries on the way he is at the moment he'll be knocking at the door for the French squad at the World Cup," said Sherwood. "He's got to make a decision and I'm not sure how much love the French are showing him now.

"He's been in the wilderness but now he's not and everyone is starting to know about him. He's performing regularly and if the English are serious about it, it probably could be an arm-wrestle between them and the French. I'm not saying they didn't treat him well, it's that he's been in the wilderness because he hasn't played. To scout him they'd have had to come to watch our under-21s. I maintain that [good] players are out there, whether they're French, English, Scottish, whatever; people just have to look harder and they have to trust them."

Asked to put himself in a current England midfielder's shoes and imagine how it would feel to be overlooked for a naturalised player, Sherwood added: "I wouldn't be happy. It's only in the last few weeks that I've heard him speak French for the first time. I called him on it because I had thought he was from Harlow or somewhere!"

Bentaleb has also caught the eye of Algeria and is likely to be called into their preliminary squad on 31 January for a friendly against Slovenia on 5 March. The Algeria manager, Vahid Halilhodzic, is expected to select Bentaleb unless he informs officials from the country that he does not want to be considered.

The situation represents an intriguing choice for Bentaleb, who not long ago was struggling for a club and has now been catapulted into consideration by three international teams. Both Algeria and France will compete at the 2014 World Cup and should the player accept any call from the north African side, he could find himself with an excellent chance of making their squad for Brazil. If the FA opts to pursue Bentaleb then it will once again open up the debate surrounding international eligibility of players considered for England duty, a topic that became a major talking point last year when it was revealed the organisation was considering Manchester United's Adnan Januzaj as a potential player for the future.

In October Arsenal's Jack Wheelchair said "if you live in England for five years it doesn't make you English" but Sherwood believes Bentaleb has the quality to succeed at the highest level after giving him a surprise opportunity in the first team.

When asked if he knew of the youngster's quality before Tottenham brought in a number of expensive midfielders last summer, Sherwood, former head of youth development at Spurs, said: "I knew him more than anyone. It's about having trust and knowing someone and really believing in them. If you're coming in from the outside and you haven't been brought up with these boys, then it's difficult to have the trust over full international players who are coming in with big reputations.

"But I just felt 'I know what the boy is capable of doing, I know the Premier League better than any of our players so I know what's required, I know the demands.' I knew he had the qualities to be able to do it."

Re: Official Nabil Bentaleb Thread

Don't think there's any chance of him ending up playing for England.

Interesting that Sherwood thinks there's a chance he could "be knocking at the door for the French squad at the World Cup". Certainly indicates that he thinks Bentaleb will get plenty of time on the pitch also after the Brazilians return from injury...