Johnny Morrison
He’s the biggest of them all. He swans around in monogrammed kit ffs!
When was Pep genuinely under the cosh?
A couple of summers ago when City only gave him £150 million to spend in a transfer window.
When was Pep genuinely under the cosh?
He’s the biggest of them all. He swans around in kit which is personally monogrammed ffs!
A couple of summers ago when City only gave him £150 million to spend in a transfer window.
I think my post was more about the potential context of what he was saying and how it doesn’t really strike me as a particularly big deal.His successes as a manager are clear and indisputable.
I don't know of any manager in football who speaks of themselves like this. When Guardiola was under the cosh he didn't.
@thfcsteff it’s easy to avoid all this stuff, I’m generally a fan of the bloke but I listen to very little of what he says in the press, or anyone else in the game really.
It should also be remembered that he has said many times in the past that he will say any old brick if it takes the attention or pressure away from other areas.
You can’t control him, but you can control your reaction to him.
The difference is in the opportunity to be quoted imo.
They were all known for their arrogance, as are most highly decorated sports professionals.
I’m struggling to think of anyone consistently at the peak of their sport, who isn’t an absolute clam.
YeahHe’s the biggest of them all. He swans around in monogrammed kit ffs!
A couple of summers ago when City only gave him £150 million to spend in a transfer window.
2011-2012.When was Pep genuinely under the cosh?
His final Barcelona season when I think it's fair to say the pressure from having to keep winning and Mourinho's Real Madrid broke him. He had to take a year away from football after that.
Indefensible arrogance from a man who has thus far failed in his mission here with aplomb. I look forward to his GG "Mourinistas" springing to their feet in slavish defence. But the truth is, if your mate spoke to you like that you'd tell him to learn how to communicate (at best) or go and fudge himself (more possibly)...
That is my guy and yes I have followed him with interest since Porto.
In fact on another forum we created JOMOSA, Jose Mourinho Supporters Association. Oh the howls from Arsenal fans.
Don't get upset with him. Of all managers in the world, he is one of the few who truly has a following. If one of his motivations is that he recognises this and seeks to not disappoint them, then I see nothing wrong with it. He has won enough in history to back it up. One thing I know is that as long as he is Spurs manager he will give his best to fight for Spurs. I don't ask any less than that.
Will I still keep an eye on him if he leaves Spurs? Yes I would. We had some lovely memories of him at Inter. He is no Rafa Benitez.
Fair play for posting mate. We agree to disagree. I appreciated reading an agenda-less counterpoint - a rare thing in 2021 social media.
But I presume you are a Spurs fan too, as I’m sure you’ve been on here longer than Mourinho has been manager? Was this not a conflict when we played his teams?Funny enough the JOMOSA had only two key goals way back in 2004 - (1) Make fun of Arsenal especially if they are facing Jose Mourinho (2) Make fun of Wenger fans especially if Jose has just finished shading Arsene. The one time when Chelsea, United and Spurs fans were truly united on that forum. Curiously Liverpool fans remained separate - I wonder why ...
But I presume you are a Spurs fan too, as I’m sure you’ve been on here longer than Mourinho has been manager? Was this not a conflict when we played his teams?
No it wasn't. I respect him as a strong enemy as well. I made good and solid fun of Chelsea and United fans on each occasion from Keane's damage on Boulharouz to Kane destroying Terry / Cahill at the Lane to Eriksen and co at Wembley.
How did Bale put it - Nigeria / All Blacks / Spurs in that order.
That Boulharouz moment brought me such pure happiness.
What a day that was! I was in the Paxton Upper and non-figuratively stood shaking at the final whistle because I hated them so much!
Same here.
The other memorable thing from that game was that my mate had somehow forgotten a massive pair of scissors were in his coat pocket, if he'd been searched he would have been in a pickle.
Maybe he was?Same here.
The other memorable thing from that game was that my mate had somehow forgotten a massive pair of scissors were in his coat pocket, if he'd been searched he would have been in a pickle.