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Its Over!

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I was surprised at the vitriol the OP attracted, remembering that he had made some decent observations on the forum. Having checked, I am pleased to see I was right.

I understand his viewpoint, although it can be construed as a tad knee jerk, and salute his courage in sticking his head over the parapet, even though I disagree with his post.
I was surprised at the vitriol the OP attracted, remembering that he had made some decent observations on the forum. Having checked, I am pleased to see I was right.

I understand his viewpoint, although it can be construed as a tad knee jerk, and salute his courage in sticking his head over the parapet, even though I disagree with his post.

Most of what he said was actually spot on. The line about top four being shut to us now, may not be the case, but pouch will have to be some manager to get us there.

The is only room for one queen on this site and I it.

Mods I demand the banning of the O/P
It's taken 35 years for you to realise that we Spurs fans are deluded c**ts?

Better late than never I suppose. I still think we'll win every game we play next season and I'll be f**king livid if we don't.
I start thinking we will win every game then suddenly after an indifferent performance I think oh GHod were going down, then around January I decide we will pull through and make Europa league.
I start thinking we will win every game then suddenly after an indifferent performance I think oh GHod were going down, then around January I decide we will pull through and make Europa league.

my feelings exactly...anyone seen me and chich in the same room? 8-[
Feck me this is a bit early to be throwing in the towel isn't it? Celebrating my 39th year on gods green earth today and even I know we spurs might not win anything but that does not stop me supporting my team. Ye gods if it was glory every year you were after then go and join the hordes on the unwashed at chelsvum or manure or ****eh.

If there's one thing you should ponder objectively it is what one of spurs greatest said many moons ago:

It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we at spurs set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory.

I have seen many failures and precious little success in my 39 years and as someone else pointed out we have never had it so good. Being 'objective' is great but the best of us succeed not because we're objective but because we aim high.

So until I see otherwise I'll have hope in my heart, and to paraphrase another classic quote 'this time next year Rodney, we'll be premier league champions' :)
If this thread was on another club's forum we would all be ripping the **** out of their supporters
I like how after this dramatic declaration of despair there was such a positive move announced regarding the stadium within 24 hours.

Maybe if there were a couple more flouncy fits we'd see a couple of big signings announced soon as well?
This season is going to be awesome, no burden of expectation.

We are free to enjoy each matchday, win lose or draw.
This season is going to be awesome, no burden of expectation.

We are free to enjoy each matchday, win lose or draw.

Precisely! Its like the fact we've assembled the best squad I can remember as a spurs fan has been lost on everyone! The fact this squad finished 6th without any tactics or coaching has been lost on everyone. West ham fans can't wait for the first game of the season as they genuinely EXPECT not just to beat us but give us a 3-0 or 4-0 thrashing. The journals are coming round to this way of thinking too. I'm loving it as it's like gutter boys serious relegation fears thread before we got CL.

You only need to look to Brazil to see the massive negative effect expectations can have.

I'm loving that I think.we'll surprise a lot of people
Precisely! Its like the fact we've assembled the best squad I can remember as a spurs fan has been lost on everyone! The fact this squad finished 6th without any tactics or coaching has been lost on everyone. West ham fans can't wait for the first game of the season as they genuinely EXPECT not just to beat us but give us a 3-0 or 4-0 thrashing. The journals are coming round to this way of thinking too. I'm loving it as it's like gutter boys serious relegation fears thread before we got CL.

You only need to look to Brazil to see the massive negative effect expectations can have.

I'm loving that I think.we'll surprise a lot of people

Agreed, and I also rate Poch very highly as a manager. After van Gaal he was my first choice of the seemingly realistic options.

The fact that the other teams are also very good is just life, this is what we have to deal with, it's not easy, it's not supposed to be easy.
Precisely! Its like the fact we've assembled the best squad I can remember as a spurs fan has been lost on everyone! The fact this squad finished 6th without any tactics or coaching has been lost on everyone. West ham fans can't wait for the first game of the season as they genuinely EXPECT not just to beat us but give us a 3-0 or 4-0 thrashing. The journals are coming round to this way of thinking too. I'm loving it as it's like gutter boys serious relegation fears thread before we got CL.

You only need to look to Brazil to see the massive negative effect expectations can have.

I'm loving that I think.we'll surprise a lot of people

No mate...not at all. Brazil are simply not better than Germany hence they lost a game of football to them. Expectation had zero to do with that result, absolutely zero! One look at their starting 11 and anybody with half a brain knew they were no match for Germany.
I expect, we finished 6 under Tim with that squad, this season we have a proper manager and the squad will at worst be better as we are not selling anyone, I expect 5th
No mate...not at all. Brazil are simply not better than Germany hence they lost a game of football to them. Expectation had zero to do with that result, absolutely zero! One look at their starting 11 and anybody with half a brain knew they were no match for Germany.

Germany are better no doubt but did Algeria lose 7-1 to Germany or get utterly humiliated?

You're telling me that Brazil just lost to a better team in that match? Rubbish! They didn't even turn up! They were frozen as soon as Germany scored! They didn't just lose they're responsible for the worst world cup display of any team I can remember given the players available to them.

If Brazil gave it a real go and got edged by Germany's better play so be it. 7-1? No way that's just losing to a better team
Germany are better no doubt but did Algeria lose 7-1 to Germany or get utterly humiliated?

You're telling me that Brazil just lost to a better team in that match? Rubbish! They didn't even turn up! They were frozen as soon as Germany scored! They didn't just lose they're responsible for the worst world cup display of any team I can remember given the players available to them.

If Brazil gave it a real go and got edged by Germany's better play so be it. 7-1? No way that's just losing to a better team

you bought the hype that is Brazil not me.

History aside.. assuming both teams are fit and fully functional that Germany 11 beats that Brazil 11 7 days a week, any stadium any country any tournament
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