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Its Over!

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When I started going to football with my Dad in 1957 I never went expecting to win every week or win the league or the cup. I went to watch a game I liked and grew to love and be with my Dad. I now go with my Son and Grandson for the same reasons. I don't give a f*** for what the media or a load of mugs that have never been to a match in their lives think about MY TEAM, I get disappointed at times but that's life, and I suggest anyone who thinks football is a matter of life and death should get the former.
Every year the same nonsense gets spouted on here in pre season when theres not a lot to discuss. Then the League starts and you realise its actually 11 men on the pitch and its not about how many transfers you've made but about the team you have....
Jesus!.... If you feel like this now then how did you feel about 10 years ago when Arsenal were winning the league without losing a game and we were bumbling around in the lower reaches of mid-table?!?

The truth is that we have gone from a team who were MILES away from the top 3 or 4 to a team that are now closer to the top 3 or 4. It's hard for us to get in that group because our resources are considerably lower but it doesn't mean that we can't do it or won't do it. I am less optimistic about our chances than I was 2 or 3 years ago but a hell of a lot more optimistic than I was 10 years ago. In those 10 years we have come a hell of a long way... With shrewd management and player recruitment we can push on again. The stadium (if and when it happens) should enable us to increase our wage bill and make pushing on a little easier - not EASY of course, as we have to finish ahead of at least 2 clubs who have bigger resources than us - but easier.
I think we've all thrown our toys out of our pram over the years following our side.........will we win the title in the next few years,no,of coarse,will we finish second no.....top four possible.....yes we've had progression since the turn of the centuary of being a top four/six side now. Having a staduim holding only 36,000 does hold us back but it didn't stop the goons winning a few things when they were at the highbury.With every other side around expanding their ground plus getting the backing off rich russians,americans and arabian royalty we are constantly chasing these sides every year.

The issue we should address is our cup record, for a side thats been constantly in the top 6 for the last ten years, our cup success should be far better than it is,our attitude should be far better ,and we should have least got to a semi final in the europa cup or won at least one other cup in the last few years. The chances winning a cup which means winning only 6 games is far greater chance of success than chasing a fourth place and hoping that sides above us slip up every Saturday.Not saying we should give up our dream because every player wants champs league experience but we should far more positive and pro active in the cup games we are involved in.

I'm a bit worried that this won't change going by how Pochettino has done with Southampton,he made endless changes with his Southampton side in most cup games in the last few years but as a club and our resources we should be doing far better than we have been doing and i am hoping if anything this the area we should be improving in.

Cup success gives us hope,gives us some pride and generates positivity around the club.
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Every year the same nonsense gets spouted on here in pre season when theres not a lot to discuss. Then the League starts and you realise its actually 11 men on the pitch and its not about how many transfers you've made but about the team you have....

I'm pretty sure there are those who care more about transfers than the actual football.
I think we've all thrown our toys out of our pram over the years following our side.........will we win the title in the next few years,no,of coarse,will we finish second no.....top four possible.....yes we've had progression since the turn of the centuary of being a top four/six side now. Having a staduim holding only 36,000 does hold us back but it didn't stop the goons winning a few things when they were at the highbury.With every other side around expanding their ground plus getting the backing off rich russians,americans and arabian royalty we are constantly chasing these sides every year.

The issue we should address is our cup record, for a side thats been constantly in the top 6 for the last ten years, our cup success should be far better than it is,our attitude should be far better ,and we should have least got to a semi final in the europa cup or won at least one other cup in the last few years. The chances winning a cup which means winning only 6 games is far greater chance of success than chasing a fourth place and hoping that sides above us slip up every Saturday.Not saying we should give up our dream because every player wants champs league experience but we should far more positive and pro active in the cup games we are involved in.

I'm a bit worried that this won't change going by how Pochettino has done with Southampton,he made endless changes with his Southampton side in most cup games in the last few years but as a club and our resources we should be doing far better than we have been doing and i am hoping if anything this the area we should be improving in.

Cup success gives us hope,gives us some pride and generates positivity around the club.

Agree with you about with you about our recent cup record. It's been a huge disappointment that we've not really got anywhere near to winning the Europa League.

This year I'd like us to win the FA Cup as I'm sure the Goons will be all out to retain it . For them to have to hand it over to us would be sweet.
It's the year of the great unknown.
New manager, only time will tell if he's up to the job. I expect he'll find life much harder here, but I'm hopeful. Neither of the last two had the belief of the players.
We have several players who I still can't rate either because previous systems haven't suited them or they've been injured so often they've not played enough. I'm still confident that 3 or 4 of the players we brought in last year will turn out to be gems. Selling Bale wasn't a mistake, it was great business. How we spent the money was though, bringing in so many players in one go was always going to be a gamble.
We have players who need to be moved on and their positions filled.
Things are worryingly quite on the transfer front, especially with the deals being completed by the top 4. I hope Baldini has some signings on the way and that they're not all foreigners that'll need 18 months to settle.
I don't think there's any chance of us challenging for a top 4 place this season, 5th would be a good result 6th wouldn't be terrible. Man U will be much stronger with one of the best managers in the world leading them, but Everton I don't think will be as strong, losing Lakaku and the extra Europa League games will put a massive strain on their small squad.
All I really want from this season is to see us play some good attacking entertaining football and to be able to hold my head up high. The quality of the football in we've been served up in the last two seasons has been embarrassingly poor too often. I just want to see signs that we're starting to move forward again.
Right now I don't know whether should feel optimistic or whether we're yet to hit the bottom of the downward trajectory we've been going through.
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lol, after reading some of the insults ( no offence taken by the way ) I don't recall mentioning that I no longer support this club. My point was to point out that based on a lot of comments in other threads (including my own) that football fans are naturally deluded when it comes to the clubs they love. My attempt was to view Spurs from the eye of a neutral and asses the situation.

For example I will no longer getting excited about signings like Nacer Chadli or the potential signing of Ben Davies and sitting on my laptop desperately trying to convince myself by reading articles and watching Youtube highlights that we've signed somebody good. Instead I will be seeing things from an objective point of view and realising that if I supported a different team I would not be envious of any of our squad other than Lamela, Eriksen and maybe one or 2 others.

Maybe this thread was a bit premature but if Lovren ends up at Liverpool, Schneiderlin ends up and Arsenal (crucial signings for us in my opinion) and we end with Ben Davis then yes, we should be worried and stop kidding ourselves we've done good business

Off course if we end up with a Schneiderlin/Kovacic, Lovren/Moreno, Rodriguez/Filipe then I will off course feel better but the way things are going with how the teams above us have ALL made good signings/noises then the top 4 is indeed shut.

Oh wait the world cup has been on so thats why we haven't signed anybody.

Thats why Chelsea hasn't yet signed Costa and Fabregas
Thats why Utd hasn't yet signed Shaw and Herrera
Thats why Liverpool hasn't signed Can etc
Thats why Arsenal hasn't yet signed Sanchez.

See what I mean?.......... Excuses
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lol, after reading some of the insults ( no offence taken by the way ) I don't recall mentioning that I no longer support this club. My point was to point out that based on a lot of comments in other threads (including my own) that football fans are naturally deluded when it comes to the clubs they love. My attempt was to view Spurs from the eye of a neutral and asses the situation.

For example I will no longer getting excited about signings like Nacer Chadli or the potential signing of Ben Davies and sitting on my laptop desperately trying to convince myself by reading articles and watching Youtube highlights that we've signed somebody good. Instead I will be seeing things from an objective point of view and realising that if I supported a different team I would not be envious of any of our squad other than Lamela, Eriksen and maybe one or 2 others.

Maybe this thread was a bit premature but if Lovren ends up at Liverpool, Schneiderlin ends up and Arsenal (crucial signings for us in my opinion) and we end with Ben Davis then yes, we should be worried and stop kidding ourselves we've done good business

Off course if we end up with a Schneiderlin/Kovacic, Lovren/Moreno, Rodriguez/Filipe then I will off course feel better but the way things are going with how the teams above us have ALL made good signings/noises then the top 4 is indeed shut.

Oh wait the world cup has been on so thats why we haven't signed anybody.

Thats why Chelsea hasn't yet signed Costa and Fabregas
Thats why Utd hasn't yet signed Shaw and Herrera
Thats why Liverpool hasn't signed Can etc
Thats why Arsenal hasn't yet signed Sanchez.

See what I mean?.......... Excuses

Excuses? Or you selectively comparing us to clubs in a stronger financial position with more pulling power than us? All those clubs have a lot more money to spend right now and all those clubs are a lot more attractive to new players.

Slightly smaller clubs like ourselves having to be more patient than richer clubs is pretty standard and not just an excuse.

Feel free to not get excited about new signings you know little about and lower your overall expectations a bit.
If you are, like you say, looking at Tottenham from the point of view of a neutral and comparing our activity in the transfer window to Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool, then surely you can see they are all in the Champions League, which is a necessity for attracting marquee signings you seem to want.

Man Utd may not be in the Champions League this season, but it is for the first time since the mid 90's where that is the case. They have far more income than any other English team, and have a manager who's reputation has been bolstered by his stint in the World Cup.

Perhaps not getting excited about the signings like CHadli is a good thing, as it removes expectation from the fans, and the players can perform under less scrutinising eyes.
None of those clubs have new managers who want to assess their squad before strengthening either
Stadium CPO given...

Now the OP needs to watch this youtube clip from begining to end.

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