Andy Sinton
Simulated *struggle cuddle* obviously. Actual *struggle cuddle* is not even needed to be mentioned for the reasons you stated.
Simulated *struggle cuddle* is also wrong imo. Yes they may be actors portraying scenes that they both agree to but the viewer finds a form of fantasy in a person being forced into a sexual act which they do not want to participate in.
It's encouraging a persons fantasy which should not be encouraged at all as *struggle cuddle* is wrong on all accounts and to even find it appealing is sick imo.
Games like GTA may portray violence but these games are for audiences of 18+ and by that age you should be able to differentiate a game from reality. Difference is there's no sexual motive being the driving force behind the entertainment.
Unless you pick up a hooker, let her do her thing, kill her and get your money back of course.