From what's being reported in Italian media is that the Americans (Mark Pannes specifically) has vetoed a lot of the moves Baldini wanted to make regarding coaches and players, and hence he has decided to leave as he has had his hands tied all this time — With corporate decisions being made in Boston, decisions that truncated those made locally by Baldini, in Rome.
I would not be surprised if this was the case, it's something corporations always do, hire a dummy regional manager that they can influence and dictate over, while still having the façade of local decision making... Zeman spoke out agaisnt this — gone, when Baldini hinted at it, gone (albeit by his own will)... have no doubts, AS Roma is being run as any business in corporate America
Our owners are so disconnected... and now will be even more... Just look at our Facebook Page, every post they make gets 100 negative comments for every positive one, yet they keep on posting brick, season tickets go on sale before we even ahve a manager, they up prices yet we lose more games and it's sad how oblivious they are to the feeling of the people in Rome, soemthign you would get if you only read the posts people make, yet I doubt wheoiver runs that even speaks Italian.
Also a lot of the moves we have done these past few years didn't seem like the type of moves Baldini would have done — unless told so.
If this is the case, then Baldini takes little blame in this, while the owners who know nothing about football and/or Italy but want to control decisions take all of the blame.
Grazie Franco.