Tom Huddlestone
Above their average home gateThey got 4035 I believe which as you say is about 12.50%
Above their average home gateThey got 4035 I believe which as you say is about 12.50%
I'm trying to get Stoke info but it tells me it's on general sale then displays a box entitled Best Available saying If applying for an away game please select the number of tickets you wish to apply for.
Odd ?!
I think that's just the default when there is nothing available, as it is all allocated through the ballot. It definitely did not go to General Sale.
Anyone had any news/LPs added yet for Everton?
Nothing for me either.
But 13k applications? Jeez. I think Stoke was around 9K and that was a big jump from usual.
I think that as we are now into the final few months, everyone is going for the 'one last visit'.
Hopefully I'll get one of the 'random' emails about returns - that's what was said in the Stoke Dear John letter. Otherwise, Stubhub it will have to be. And with the demand going up, how much longer before ST holders start holding out rather than discounting their tickets?
You'll be fine for the last matches. It will be interesting to see the allocation for those games though. I think I'm right in saying it has ranged from around 4.5k to over 6k so far. I'd like to think that has been dependant on the away teams allocation/segregation, however I fear the Arsenal/United games may see s few extra tickets going to corporate.13k is a frightening number. I have resigned myself to the fact we wont get tickets for Southampton,Watford or Bournemouth either. But as United and Arsenal will go to points, with nearly 500 LPs, I will be totally f#cked off if we dont get a ticket for the last 2 matches
Not had any points, email, etc for Everton :-(
I (currently) have 285 points, I'm hoping that will be enough for Arsenal and Utd.