Some good suggestions in this thread.
I think harmonising the loyalty points is a good idea. ST holders can get more for renewing ie 25pts and members 15pts to reflect their up front commitment and also it would facilitate ST and members being able to retain their points if they convert one way or another. (losing all your points now is crazy).
I think the 15/20% away tickets to members is also a good idea, just to keep the away game hope alive and to taste the great experience of an awayday.
I dont think you can bash the idea of a £30 away cap. Its like saying i wish they were £100 so i had more chance of going. In isolation it is a great thing for travelling fans.
I assume points are given for loyalty if someone has overtaken you or because ST holders are now deciding to go away more, then both groups have a right too....they are by definition more 'loyal'. I know you'll say 'well i went when we were brick' but as we became good surely you had a head start on these jcl in the 5 year loop? So if you have started going less because of other loyalties,(kids, family etc) then that is your choice, although chappeau to you for making that choice.
The amount of points per game could definately be looked at, with certain criteria meaning more or less points.
The other thing that needs sorting is the re-selling of tickets. (inc abuse of ST's). The ticket-exchange needs to be brought back in house and i'd be happy with a £5 and £5 system. ie £5 charge for the seller and £5 charge for buyer (all at face value, of course!). ST and members can both buy and sell, inc away tickets and the loyalty points re-distributed accordingly.
What then needs to happen is ALL re-selling needs to be forced through this channel. Modern technology (ie finger print tech, tickets loaded onto phones etc) could enable this. Too many ST are cash cowing their position, earning money and loyalty points too boot without attending, (Ironically the lowering of the away cap has actually just increased their profit margin) that is not loyalty and includes profiteering from fellow supporters (sad fckers)
Perhaps the opening of the new stadium could be the point where the club can really iron out the wrinkles in the current set-up?