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I already do, it's called a tv license

The license is more of a membership fee.

What if the 'I'm in a jungle' was PPV? Would you still want to watch it? You could always download it for free afterwards (or in football: Watch on some dodgy site).
the jungle thing specifically no, but, I've paid for movies and ended up moaning all the way through them

not as enjoyable as watching a good movie, but more fun than suffering in silence

people go to the pub every day to have a moan about things with their mates, I don't see much of a difference
the jungle thing specifically no, but, I've paid for movies and ended up moaning all the way through them

not as enjoyable as watching a good movie, but more fun than suffering in silence

people go to the pub every day to have a moan about things with their mates, I don't see much of a difference

Going to the pub and having a moan with your mates does not impinge on other people unless you are really inconsiderate and anti-social.

If you want to follow the movie analogy, it would be like going to the cinema to see a sequel where you did not enjoy the first film and and talking all the way through it.
sitting at the lane moaning to a mate doesn't impinge on anyone either

I'd say the movie analogy is more fitting if you loved the first film
sitting at the lane moaning to a mate doesn't impinge on anyone either

I'd say the movie analogy is more fitting if you loved the first film

We've been talking about a negative atmosphere in the ground and fans getting on the back of the team and having a go at players. That is different to moaning to a mate and does impinge on others' enjoyment.
it was in response to jimmyb's point about people around him moaning and bitching

generally I don't see how undue negativity is any worse than undue positivity, you are going to get people annoyed with both
sitting at the lane moaning to a mate doesn't impinge on anyone either

I'd say the movie analogy is more fitting if you loved the first film

It does, actually, if you happen to be sitting next to them or in front of them or anywhere at all close to them and when the moaning is relentless from first minute to last, every game. And the thing is that these people are so ****ing pleased with their opinions (no matter that they have repeated them ad nauseam and no matter how captain obvious they are) that they make sure that they speak far louder than they would if they were just having a chat to their mate.

Besides which, moaning isn't all that they do. Screaming abuse; booing; aggressively confronting anyone who even gives them a disapproving or exasperated look are among other traits that characterise them.

Just to give you one example....

Some of these utter ***** near me spent almost the entire second half of the Saudi Sportswashing Machine game shouting abuse at Eric Dier - clearly close enough for the player to hear. This is a kid who had, to that point, done a great job for the club considering that he was playing his first season in English football.........in an unfamiliar position. So he had a bad game; made a costly mistake or two. So what? He's a kid. That's what kids do. What fans are supposed to do when a young and inexperienced player is suffering like that is show him support, understanding and patience. But no. Not these ****ers. They were too ****ing concerned for their own butt hurt feelings. They expected to see Spurs beating Saudi Sportswashing Machine and when that didn't happen, they decided to take it out on the nearest and easiest target.

It was cowardly and brainless and when I suggested to some of them that they might want to give him a break, they shouted back at me that he probably earns fifty times more than them and that they had paid good money to be at the game so they could shout whatever they wanted to shout at him for as long as they wanted to shout it.

Now you tell me.....how the **** is it possible for anyone else to enjoy a game when that is going on?

And something like it goes on every ****ing game.
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it was in response to jimmyb's point about people around him moaning and bitching

generally I don't see how undue negativity is any worse than undue positivity, you are going to get people annoyed with both

Undue positivity?

What.......? You mean singing? Clapping?

What the actual ****?
Some of these utter ***** near me spent almost the entire second half of the Saudi Sportswashing Machine game shouting abuse at Eric Dier - clearly close enough for the player to hear. This is a kid who had, to that point, done a great job for the club considering that he was playing his first season in English football.........in an unfamiliar position. So he had a bad game; made a costly mistake or two. So what? He's a kid. That's what kids do. What fans are supposed to do when a young and inexperienced player is suffering like that is show him support, understanding and patience. But no. Not these ****ers.
It was cowardly and brainless.

Last season we had a young inexperienced manager in an unfamiliar position in his first season. He understandably had some bad games and made some costly mistakes, but a case could be made that he did a great job for the club.

"When the moaning is relentless from first minute to last, every game. And the thing is that these people are so ****ing pleased with their opinions no matter that they have repeated them ad nauseam and no matter how captain obvious they are. Besides which, moaning isn't all that they do. Aggressively confronting anyone who even gives them a disapproving or exasperated look are among other traits that characterise them. What fans are supposed to do when a young and inexperienced player... (or manager?)... is suffering like that is show him support, understanding and patience. But no. Not these ****ers. It was cowardly and brainless. Now you tell me.....how the **** is it possible for anyone else to enjoy a game when that is going on?".

Well, in spite of that, its possible to still enjoy a game. And a forum.
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Last season we had a young inexperienced manager in an unfamiliar position in his first season. He understandably had some bad games and made some costly mistakes, but a case could be made that he did a great job for the club.

Arf! Sherwood is a pugnacious 45 year old with decades of experience in the game behind him. Dier is a kid. Not a good analogy.

"When the moaning is relentless from first minute to last, every game. And the thing is that these people are so ****ing pleased with their opinions no matter that they have repeated them ad nauseam and no matter how captain obvious they are. Besides which, moaning isn't all that they do. Aggressively confronting anyone who even gives them a disapproving or exasperated look are among other traits that characterise them. What fans are supposed to do when a young and inexperienced player... (or manager?)... is suffering like that is show him support, understanding and patience. But no. Not these ****ers. It was cowardly and brainless. Now you tell me.....how the **** is it possible for anyone else to enjoy a game when that is going on?".

Well, in spite of that, its possible to still enjoy a game. And a forum.

Actually.....no, it isn't.
being positive about everything even when we are playing ****

the carrot doesn't work on its own, sometimes you need the stick too

Have you ever come across people who spend 90 minutes of every game loudly saying, "Brilliant, lads.......great play.........don't worry about having given the ball away.....again......not your fault that you've conceded five......I'm convinced you're going to create a chance soon......maybe even have a shot on target........yay.......Paulinho, you were worth every penny......everything is simply lovely.....Hooray, Hurrah, Huzzah"? In fact, have you ever come across even one person who acts like that? I mean..........someone who isn't being sarcastic as ****? In more than thirty years of going to games, I certainly haven't. Nor have I ever heard of anyone who has.

It simply doesn't happen. There is no direct opposite type to the serial aggressive moaner, abuser and booer. The positive fans among the crowd are merely the type who sing and try to create an atmosphere no matter what. Their actions do the precise opposite of making WHL a miserable place to be for the players and other fans. I'm not suggesting that everyone has to sing and help to create a fantastic atmosphere (though it would be ****ing awesome if they did). All I ask is that they don't do their damnedest to create a poisonous atmosphere. It's not much.
are think both are somewhat in the middle, there are those who try and put a positive spin on almost everything (offering encouragement to ade when he's let yet another pass slip away from him because he wasn't concentrating, for the 457th time in the match, for example), conversely even the most ardent "negative nancy" will celebrate a goal
Well worth a read...


It was well worth a read, but ultimately, the argument that 'we got to that 2010-2014 period by taking risks on unproven players' is interesting given that once we got to that stage, it was Levy's utterly dogmatic refusal to entertain any risk whatsoever that sent us tumbling from that peak back to where we now are, with all the recriminations and boardroom politics that said fall entailed.

Taking a risk on a manager (as the article implies we did on AVB) also involves more than just plonking him in the hotseat and then continuing to buy cheap bargain buys that he didn't ask for uninterrupted. And as for the article's argument about AVB's requests for players being facile considering his subsequent lack of ability to forge a cohesive attacking system, it's a chicken and egg argument that fails to take into account the goalscoring tallies of his current side (Zenit), where players that he did want and that were fits for his system currently ply their trade.

Well-written, and well-argued, but ultimately a mite too illogical, apologetic and defensive about ENIC's failings for my liking. Still, I suspect the article wasn't written to convince people like me anyway.