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Bleep me, i thought i had it bad going to school in prime Gooner territory and SURROUNDED by Gooners when they REALLY WERE successful:eek:

Was brought up in camden. So my age more arsenal. Older probably even split. Knew 1 chelsea fan and no west ham. The odd liverpool.
When i got a job at channel 4 all the maintenance blokes were west ham. Then the chelsea lot came out of the woodwork. Hate them both more than arsenal now. Maybe not the teams but their fans 100%.
Bleep me, i thought i had it bad going to school in prime Gooner territory and SURROUNDED by Gooners when they REALLY WERE successful:eek:

I was at school in the 90s and 2000s, during the peak Wenger years. And we were GHod awful. It will always hurt when your rivals win things but would have been far easier to stomach if we had had some success of our own to point to. Atletico Madrid may have to repeatedly watch Real win everything but they have won big trophies in the last decade themselves
Pfft, everyone in elite circles gets called a bleep in life or social media. Par for the course, at some point.
At least we're not tracking down his home, his family members home or burgling him as some others might do:eek:

Just think it unfair. He wants us to be successful. I'm the same with players. As long as they put the effort in, fair enough we upgrade but no need to slag them off.

Just think some spurs fans have a love/hate relationship with the club. They love it but feel like the club is hurting them at the same time so get bitter and angry. Almost an abusive relationship.
Bleep me, i thought i had it bad going to school in prime Gooner territory and SURROUNDED by Gooners when they REALLY WERE successful:eek:

Haha - sounds traumatic mate, so props to you for getting through that and remaining more well adjusted than that gurning lot. :p

It's really interesting to me to now find that I'm often not the only Spurs fan in a given pub on any given weekend - our global growth in the past ten years has been significant, and I'm thankful for it since it makes watching us less of a lonely furlough now. I could chart our progress in the Poch years by counting the Spurs fans I met in airport bars, in coffee shops or on trails as I backpacked around the globe - it kept growing, until I eventually settled in Canada and found a thriving Spurs community here.

But before 2010-ish, it was a different story. We weren't just middling, we were utterly unknown - being a Spurs fan growing up in Dubai was an oddity, and you had to grow a pretty thick skin as a kid, like you no doubt had to. :p
I was at school in the 90s and 2000s, during the peak Wenger years. And we were GHod awful. It will always hurt when your rivals win things but would have been far easier to stomach if we had had some success of our own to point to. Atletico Madrid may have to repeatedly watch Real win everything but they have won big trophies in the last decade themselves

Yeah, The Graham years were bad but we had some recent success before then plus the Gazza FA Cup run (which included beating them).
The Wenger years were next level misery: we were absolutely atrocious, not just behind Arsenal but now also Chelsea pre Abramovich and the ultimate killer being both those otehr teams were playing football that was actually GHod to watch (unlike their wins generally under Graham).

Oh man what pain!:(
Just think it unfair. He wants us to be successful. I'm the same with players. As long as they put the effort in, fair enough we upgrade but no need to slag them off.

Just think some spurs fans have a love/hate relationship with the club. They love it but feel like the club is hurting them at the same time so get bitter and angry. Almost an abusive relationship.

Yeah i see what you mean; i'm just glad i have more of an 'off button' if i feel we are tripping ourselves up again, wasting opportunities etc.
TBF to Levy's critics there's making mistakes and there's also seemingly not learning from them (i.e. Not seeing to Dare To Do at opportune moments; a few times might be bad luck but after a while it looks like something more systematic)...
I didn't choose spurs. My dad got me into them. Was born in 78. So can't really remember berkinshaw. Finishing behind arsenal most years. The 90's. My expectations are probably lower than a lot.

I'd love us to be successful and dominant. But if we're not ok. They're the team i support, whoever the owners are. Whether we win or lose.

I did chose spurs, purely on a comment i heard my dad make when i was 6 or 7.
Growing up in the 70s the only time I'd see spurs was in the f a cup on TV. Motd was on too late and Scottish newspapers didn't care about English football outside of Liverpool.
I don't follow spurs to win trophies (just as well), i follow them because its part of me.
Sell out like city, Chelsea or Saudi Sportswashing Machine and I'd still follow the team but the club wouldn't get anymore money from me, i'd not wear our colours with the same pride and anything we did win would feel tainted.
Spot on.

Where do you think this narrative comes from? It's in the media, but is it media driven?

A lot of Spurs fans seem to think that finishing 5th or 6th with no trophies is completely unacceptable. If that happens twice in a row the manager/Levy/ENIC must go. Crisis mode. Similar reactions from fan groups at times.
If we finish 5th or 6rh twice in a row Levy will sack the manager not the fans.

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Just think it unfair. He wants us to be successful. I'm the same with players. As long as they put the effort in, fair enough we upgrade but no need to slag them off.

Just think some spurs fans have a love/hate relationship with the club. They love it but feel like the club is hurting them at the same time so get bitter and angry. Almost an abusive relationship.

Christ, when you put it like that, we really are a dysfunctional, disturbed bunch of people...
If we finish 5th or 6rh twice in a row Levy will sack the manager not the fans.

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I disagree. Redknapp and mourinho i don't think was about league position. More personal.
Poch, ramos and avb wasn't about league position (season) as such more the team was regressing.

I would love levy to release a book at the end of his tenure to see his thoughts. 1 problem he has is he is media shy.
I'm a bit confused as to what has kicked off this latest round of Enic out tbh i know the football has been pretty poor for the most part, but since Paratici & Conte have been here we've started moving in the right direction

Arsenal doing well, us doing poorly relative to expectations, Chelsea spending 300m+, Saudi Sportswashing Machine sitting pretty above us, United climbing above us, United and Liverpool being for sale after Chelsea and Saudi Sportswashing Machine were bought recently (meaning folks are thinking about when it will be our turn to be bought), rumors of Qatari investment.

Few things. More than that though, it's Conte - the chants at Palace were very telling, since they started with a roar of 'Antonio, Antonio' and then immediately transitioned to 'Levy out'.

Conte's tactic of turning up the pressure on Levy to get the backing he wants is working in the sense of the fans (as far as I can see) largely taking his side and turning against ENIC. It's what I think is driving fan discontent against Levy more than anything else, since objectively, he's actually done more positive things in the last 18 months or so (handing off football ops to Paratici, investing 100m) than he's done in the 20 years that preceded it.

The other thing is that Levy's shyness/reluctance to explain himself has finally run out of runway - the club's bungling of its PR and outreach has been pretty stark, and now it has a manager who is happily turning up the heat on the chairman while the chairman is silent and unreachable. Turns opinion pretty fast.
Arsenal doing well, us doing poorly relative to expectations, Chelsea spending 300m+, Saudi Sportswashing Machine sitting pretty above us, United climbing above us, United and Liverpool being for sale after Chelsea and Saudi Sportswashing Machine were bought recently (meaning folks are thinking about when it will be our turn to be bought), rumors of Qatari investment.

Few things. More than that though, it's Conte - the chants at Palace were very telling, since they started with a roar of 'Antonio, Antonio' and then immediately transitioned to 'Levy out'.

Conte's tactic of turning up the pressure on Levy to get the backing he wants is working in the sense of the fans (as far as I can see) largely taking his side and turning against ENIC. It's what I think is driving fan discontent against Levy more than anything else, since objectively, he's actually done more positive things in the last 18 months or so (handing off football ops to Paratici, investing 100m) than he's done in the 20 years that preceded it.

The other thing is that Levy's shyness/reluctance to explain himself has finally run out of runway - the club's bungling of its PR and outreach has been pretty stark, and now it has a manager who is happily turning up the heat on the chairman while the chairman is silent and unreachable. Turns opinion pretty fast.

So every time half way through the season we have some of our top 4 rivals above us we're going to have protests - seems a bit, i dunno, entitled/short sighted/fudging stupid?

Other than saying that the squad is a few transfer windows away from competing with City & Liverpool I'm not sure what pressure Conte is applying? If anything he's pleading for patience and to lower our immediate expectations
I disagree. Redknapp and mourinho i don't think was about league position. More personal.
Poch, ramos and avb wasn't about league position (season) as such more the team was regressing.

I would love levy to release a book at the end of his tenure to see his thoughts. 1 problem he has is he is media shy.
I think its pretty clear that it is about league position. Get in CL = stay on. Miss it/look like you're gonna miss it = get binned.
So every time half way through the season we have some of our top 4 rivals above us we're going to have protests - seems a bit, i dunno, entitled/short sighted/fudging stupid?

Depends what you think constitutes entitlement, tbh.

Other than saying that the squad is a few transfer windows away from competing with City & Liverpool I'm not sure what pressure Conte is applying? If anything he's pleading for patience and to lower our immediate expectations

That isn't all he's doing, come on. The ploy is pretty transparent, but also really effective - he points to our rivals signing 60/70m players every window, says we need time and patience to match that since we haven't committed to that model and prefer signing cheaper, younger players instead, and then refuses to commit to a new contract.

The implication is clear - I don't like working like this, but I am willing to stick it out if you back me more. Which then gets fans antsy as hell, and when we are a third of the way through a transfer window with no signings and a manager with less than half a year left on his deal, that spirals into anger that the owners aren't backing a proven winner, which fits with their past MO.

Credit to him, he's playing the game superbly well - on a personal level I enjoy seeing Levy called out like that and would like more of our managers to do it. But it is what he's doing, and it's clear as day, imo.
There is something around Spurs ..

- West Ham gets a free stadium, manages one run to 6th (their first in 19 or so years) -> great job, well run, must be praised
- Spurs in top six, 12 out of the last 13 years having paid for their own stadium -> brick, where's the trophies?
- The whole the last decade is the only decade Spurs hasn't won a trophy again is a narrative to create a perspective that Spurs ever won trophies in the volume of an elite club. Our best decade ever was 5 trophies, we have less than 20 in 140 years. SAF, Pep, Jose all have more trophies in their career than Spurs has as a club.

I get 1 trophy in the last two decades is poor, is a disappointment and yes, we all want more. But this pretense that (ignoring all the caveats in that time, City/Chelsea/Saudi Sportswashing Machine, Covid, stadium build) it's an absolute disaster and the club management has done so badly (again, as vs. who? the only consistently not cheat code club that has seen success in last decade is Pool) is just such an odd narrative.
Yep, if Kane was anywhere else he would be seen as one of the greats. If Spurs win a league or a cup and it will be “but its not this many”

We are the team that everyone loves to hate, we are essentially a sleeping giant that have always been around but never fully accomplished what we want. People hate the fact we have done it the right way, we are not that small club people have a soft spot for and we are not small enough to be someones second team. People fear us as they know if we were to turn the corner we could achieve big things and for a long time.
Yep, if Kane was anywhere else he would be seen as one of the greats. If Spurs win a league or a cup and it will be “but its not this many”

We are the team that everyone loves to hate, we are essentially a sleeping giant that have always been around but never fully accomplished what we want. People hate the fact we have done it the right way, we are not that small club people have a soft spot for and we are not small enough to be someones second team. People fear us as they know if we were to turn the corner we could achieve big things and for a long time.

You got a part of it there, I've always said a big part of the anti-Spurs narrative is we threatening the status quo, we aren't the plucky under-dog that can be referenced to try to sell the PL as the most competitive league in the world (ignore City winning 4 out of last 5) but will go away as they should in a year or 2.