So do you guys still pay for everything on first dates? I actually resent doing that in this day and age! Hate buying girls drinks on nights out too. I feel like there are a lot of girls out there who will just take advantage of a guy spending money on them.
Do you mean on a first date?
I'm assuming you're a bloke? I think the assumption that a bloke should pay for everything on a first date is as outdated as many of the things women used to complain about in terms of inequality.
Nothing wrong with the word mong. It all depends on what you deem the word to mean.
You have bought a girl a drink as a way of getting her attention haven't you?
I think its ok to buy a girl a drink or two if you knew her before you guys went out... like from your social circle etc. HOWEVER in a bar on a night out - not really although I have been guilty of it once or twice. If a girl ever asks buy me a drink - I will give her two options - her buying me the first drink and keep me entertained throughout it then ill buy her the next one or she can have a wet head after I pour my drink over her for even contemplating that I would buy her a drink. Bitch.
Nothing wrong with the word mong. It all depends on what you deem the word to mean.
You have bought a girl a drink as a way of getting her attention haven't you?
No I mean on every date. I always pay, or at least offer to pay. If they insist then on occasion I will let them pay or split it but I prefer to pay if I am taking a girl out.
If I meet a girl in a bar then I try to avoid buying them drinks however if I've met them and ended up pulling them same night then I might buy a drink. I would never chat up a woman and use the buy a drink line, you will get mugged more often than not. Trouble I have is that when I'm talking birds up I tend to drink quicker to mask those points where there might be a silence but its tricky to excuse yourself go to the bar and come back with a fresh pint without offering.
Is it immoral to find the programme hilarious?
Saying that,I do feel very sorry for the young girl who had a stroke