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Daniel Levy - Chairman

Sorry mate but he really is, Crouch could not trap a bag of cement where Llorente has a very good first touch and control. There is this myth that Crouch was/is great in the air but that was because of his height not his ability, Llorente is really good in the air ( there are not many better).

You'd have to go back to Poyet or possibly Ferdinand for the last time we had a player who was really good in the air, or am I missing someone?
You'd have to go back to Poyet or possibly Ferdinand for the last time we had a player who was really good in the air, or am I missing someone?

No i think you are probably right mate, i was not that big a fan of Ferdinand ( i believe his better days were behind him when he came here) but he was a threat in the air. What i rate about Llorente is that he is so strong and i know he is also tall but its the pace and direction he gets whereas Crouch generally let the ball glance off him.

I know i am going back even further but Chivers was as good as any we have had for strong headers, Gilly was a artist in the air and his flick on's were first class. Sorry i am getting carried away remembering the " good old days" :oops::).

I think Llorente is one of the best around though in the air.
I'm left with the feeling I tend to feel after most windows in that the Chairman has done alright but might have done a little more. I think we have bought a fantastic right back which hopefully completely negates the Walker departure and Llorente is a player I like and think he will give us a new dimension, especially in Europe where we might want to throw it in now and then when we are being frustrated and he can bring it down and work others into play as he is technically very tidy on the ball so those two signings are very positive.

Having said that, we have spent a lot of money on Sanchez which is great given his age but wasn't necessarily an area we needed to whack that amount of money on overall unless Wimmer was really kicking up about going which I don't think was really the case. I'm not sure that it would have been a priority for me over an attacking player that offered something a bit different. I just feel that over the last 2-3 windows we have needed some raw pace/guile/trickery that differs from what we have already in the front three, yet we haven't added that type of player so in some respects, I am on a personal level, a bit frustrated.

I would imagine we would be securing Barkley in January for sub £20m which potential and value for money wise is a great deal but next summer we absolutely have to make a signing or two that stands out going into the new stadium imo and I think I would like a wide forward for either side plus Sessegnon for Rose. Martial and Julian Brandt have a year left next summer and along with Thomas Lemar and Christian Pulisic who have 2 years left in 2018, they are the sorts of targets we should definitely be looking at and let the oil rich fight over Griezmann, Bale, Ozil and Sanchez et al.

Every club could always have done more .. as I'm sure every fan site/forum/reddit is saying today, I disagree about the general theme

- Aurier is an amazing signing, a lot of people in the game rate him as a better player now (and 3 year younger) than Walker is, has pace, power, more assists and CL experience and has played in a side that has won trophies.
- Sanchez to me is this years Wanyama, a lot of people think he's a bench option, I suspect he's will be first 11 more often than not. People question why we spent so much money on defense, here' the thing, Verts/Toby +Dier are very good, we do however want to play 3 at the back that allows us to commit our FBs up the pitch and help us score more. That strategy does leave us open to diagonal balls from deep to wide pacey players (something Pool & Chelsea have shown us with some regularity), Sanchez pace is hopefully in part to cover this.
- Llorente scored 15 goals for a truly brick Swansea side in his first year in the PL, has experience, has won stuff, has scored everywhere, hard to say we would find a better backup option to Kane and is actually different from Kane.
- Foyth is our typical for the future buy, we will know in a year or two if he works out.

The obvious miss that people refer to is that wide attacking player, problem is we have 4 players that already score goals (Kane/Alli/Son = 20 goal range each, Eriksen will get you 10), goalscoring isn't really an issue. A more direct player yes, but not many out there.

The who is the issue, Lemar? the guy that turned down 92M, Mahrez could have been an option, but suspect he is a risk and probably wants bigger than us.
I hope Llorente won't turn out like an iverson (just naming players right?)

Not just naming players, my point is that Rebrov came with a reputation of being a goal scorer in the big games, etc, yet failed at Spurs. I'm not so sure though that Iversen came with the same sort of rep?
Not just naming players, my point is that Rebrov came with a reputation of being a goal scorer in the big games, etc, yet failed at Spurs. I'm not so sure though that Iversen came with the same sort of rep?

Llorente has scored many, many goals in each of England, Italy and Spain
I would have preferred a more technical mobile player who can play with Kane. The last three strikers have all been similar. All very predictable.
Swansea feel they have upgraded to Bony.
He might just do a job for us in the short term, which is fair enough. But he really not that dissimilar to Crouch. I would imagine the % of goals he scores with his head are very high. Anecdotally they are the ones I have seen him score for Swansea.

Peter Crouch was a notoriously poor header of a ball relative to his height. Llorente will do a good job for us in the short term. He is 32. Not like he's on the 5 year plan. And am I right or are you comparing Llorente to Janssen?????? Good grief. Why don't you throw out a name to match your personal requirements?

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
@Libero put my thoughts across thoroughly enough - It's been an *acceptable* window, more or less. But not exceptional.

I believe our net spend is now only about 5-10m this window, and actually non-existent if we include the sales of Bentaleb and N'Jie in our figures for this summer's activity. So it's back to type on that front, and we've spent what we've earned, no more. I'm actually mostly okay with that, though - we can't expect a Sissoko-esque late outlay exceeding our transfer income *every* summer, so it's not something I'm too hung up about in relation to this window.

However, in terms of the players we did bring in, it's a mixed bag. Sanchez, Gazzaniga, Foyth, Aurier and Llorente - a good bunch of players brought in, with some real class in there (Sanchez and Aurier), a kid with potential (Foyth) and an old head with experience and Prem-proven skills in front of goal (Llorente). However, our single most identified need heading into this summer was for a pacy attacking midfielder, not for a CB, RB or backup striker in particular - and that need remains unaddressed.

Overall, there have been better windows in terms of addressing squad needs - but there have also been atrocious penny-pinching, short-sighted nightmares of windows, so overall, I can't complain. Here's to all five of our signings getting the time and support they need this time around, instead of being instantly f*cking demeaned like Sissoko and Janssen were. And let's hope our as-yet unproven signings from last summer (i.e, the aforementioned duo and N'Koudou) really show us what they can do this time around.
I just love how we fans can effortlessly opine about spending mega millions worth of money like they're molecules of air.

To Fuqk with chairmen, boards, agents and players. Fuqk the whole notion of sensibly managing a business. It's all about us and what we want right now.

And fuqk you if you don't agree with me.
I just love how we fans can effortlessly opine about spending mega millions worth of money like they're molecules of air.

To Fuqk with chairmen, boards, agents and players. Fuqk the whole notion of sensibly managing a business. It's all about us and what we want right now.

And fuqk you if you don't agree with me.

Poor chap ... do you know what a forum is actually for?
Peter Crouch was a notoriously poor header of a ball relative to his height. Llorente will do a good job for us in the short term. He is 32. Not like he's on the 5 year plan. And am I right or are you comparing Llorente to Janssen?????? Good grief. Why don't you throw out a name to match your personal requirements?

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
Has crouch not scored the most headers ever in the pl?