NEW: probably the most important Covid chart I’ve made
— John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch) July 18, 2021
As Delta goes global, it’s a tale of two pandemics, as the heavily-vaccinated Western world talks of reopening while deaths across Africa and Asia soar to record highs
My story with @davidpilling
The uk has given £500m to the covax scheme to supply vaccines for poor countries (admittedly it has been a bit brick). Also the agreement with az was to sell the vaccine to poor countries at cost (the uk funded the research). It is being made in 13 different countries.
The record highs aren't that high apart from indonesia and even then compared to their population size not much.
Lets see how those countries compare really.
Deaths per million population:
Uk 1886
Potugal 1693
Namibia 968
Tunisia 1453
South Africa (who sold their az vaccines to other countries) 1113
Georgia 1394
Malaysia 214
Russia 1017
Indonesia 266
Zimbabwe 272
Looking at that, you'd think the uk might need the vaccines.
I'm confused aswell. We should wait to lift restrictions till we vaccinate everyone, but we should give our vaccines to other countries? Makes sense.
The reason we’re top of the death charts is because we have a fudging incompetent lunatic in charge.
Insert facepalm emojiNo more availability if they have to isolate and some is infectex pinged. If 5 people are in a room with someone infected they get pinged and all have to isolate. If it's 10 people they all have to isolate.
Insert facepalm emoji
Happy freedom Day everyone!
Take that covid.
Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the.....
Actually, yes - until everyone has been double jabbed; which isn't far away.Did you want to stay in lockdown? Not go to football or nightclubs? Not go to a friends wedding? Not pull, stay social distanced? Bit of sexting instead?
Quite simple then, stay in, lock your doors, wear 6 masks at all time and a hazmat suit until end SeptemberActually, yes - until everyone has been double jabbed; which isn't far away.
The measures are fine - the timing and approach is off.
Which unfortunately still isn't protection.Quite simple then, stay in, lock your doors, wear 6 masks at all time and a hazmat suit until end September
Actually, yes - until everyone has been double jabbed; which isn't far away.
The measures are fine - the timing and approach is off.
Which unfortunately still isn't protection.
Having had a highly vulnerable parent that left the flat once (once!) in 2020, who was still hospitalised in Jan 2021 and came very close to dying, two and a half months of my, and everyone else's life being a tiny bit restricted is worth it.
Once we've reached full vaccination offering we hit "new normal". People may still die after that, but that will be the world with covid we now live in.
Anyone that suffers before fully offered vaccination has been partly let down by their fellow members of society.
Ok we are not vaccinating children so it will only be adults that need both jabs. We have given first doses to 87.9% of the adult population (46,295,853 people, 100% will be 52,670,000). This week take up of first dose has been between 50,000 and 70,000 a day. So it will take 91 days to give everyone their first jab at that speed. Another 3 months after that for second jabs. Say we speed it up and it only takes 3 months. It leaves you opening up at the beginning of winter (which we do not want). Although the problem is that people don't want to get the vaccine. Every adult has been offered one.
Over 40's have been double jabbed (at least the ones that haven't refused). Over 40's count for nearly all deaths from covid.
The assumption is that removing restrictions will see cases rise. They already are. But the number of symptomatic cases is not rising. Because so many people have immunity. In the parts of the uk where delta hit first they are seeing a fall in cases. Look at the numbers for scotland. Why? Because the virus is running out of people to infect.
Schools are on holiday, it's the middle of summer, the euros are over. The vulnerable are as protected as we can make them. If there was anytime to open up it is now.
I understand people are scared, but more people died in road accidents yesterday than from covid. You'll still get in a car or cross the road.
Once all adults have been offered and had two jabs (or rejected), then we are fine to open up as we just have - that creates the natural level of our societal approach to protecting each other.
Short of mandating vaccination, which I'm not in favour of because it sets the wrong level of control at Govt level, we have to accept that natural societal level.
Which unfortunately still isn't protection.
Having had a highly vulnerable parent that left the flat once (once!) in 2020, who was still hospitalised in Jan 2021 and came very close to dying, two and a half months of my, and everyone else's life being a tiny bit restricted is worth it.
Once we've reached full vaccination offering we hit "new normal". People may still die after that, but that will be the world with covid we now live in.
Anyone that suffers before fully offered vaccination has been partly let down by their fellow members of society.
Look at the table of deaths by age. Then try to understand that under 40s are at hardly any risk of dying.