Jack Jull
I prefer an open lockdown where people are actually abiding by the rules.
The reason Unis are so badly impacted is because the idiots are going What do you expect we are students ermmmm no you are not you are adults and you are expected to act like one during a pandemic
People know that carehomes are a killing hub but you see idiots on tele saying they will not be stopped going to see their loved ones, ahhhhh thats nice, sentiment over sense.
Ultimately 70% of hospital admissions are of those within the dangerzone age wise or with secondary illness so like its been said on here umpteen times, you protect the old and vulnerable and you help the rest of the world go back to work in a safe environment to avoid the ever rising cases of suicide, child abuse, abuse, mental health issues and long term unemployment and poverty
This is pretty spot on - only thing I would say is with the students there is no harm as long as they are staying together.
Stats in the states is 2 people have gone to hospital out of 70,000 cases - they went back about a month earlier.
would those people go to a care home with flu/cold? fudging idiots
Yep we are looking at winding down the next phase of our company because of it. We are just not going to survive this
A lot of people are about to get a letter saying they no longer have a job, some of those will be in areas they thought were safe - insurance due to less travel/Businesses etc