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I'm 101% behind you when it comes to freedom and liberty but there is always a balance to be struck. Saying that I note that Tory governments are never slow to restrict protests around Parliament Square in the name of public safety so please, spare us the sanctimony.

We're talking here about a level of incompetence that frankly stretches credulity.
Stopping those protests is no more right than 3 months of imprisonment for becoming ill.

I only want protesters to get the water canon/rubber bullets when they get in my way.
Again I am finding it hard to understand your objection to test and trace. Testing and tracing is not a cure or a treatment, it is only a means to tell you where the virus is so it can be contained. It is one part of a strategy but on its own will not stop the virus on that I agree with you. The effectiveness of a test and trace system will depend on how it is implemented. On the basis of what has gone on before, I bet we will find a way to fudge up our system. Again I agree, to contain the virus you need social distancing. But you can surely see that countries are at different stages of their lockdown? A lot of that will be because they have, through, effective testing and tracing been able to track their virus. And now they are using testing and tracing to identify cases and lock those cases down to prevent a second wave.

Again you are miss interpretation my opinion on its accuracy and me questioning its effectiveness as an objection. By all means follow a TnT I have no objection on that but I am allowed to question how effective it it especially when the media keeps releasing stories and stats about how effective it is.
“I don’t want to go back to work and send my kids back to school because it’s dangerous”


“Let’s go to the beach and public places on mass”

Let’s see how many people change their minds if they cut furlough

I thought at the time it was announced that the extension of the furlough scheme so far out (is it until October?) was a mistake. On the surface it seemed to make more sense to me to taper it down fairly sharply and quickly after the initial burst, thereby reserving some financial firepower for the winter if things deteriorate then.

Resistance to it's ending wasn't hard to foresee, but will only get worse the longer it is left in place.
I thought at the time it was announced that the extension of the furlough scheme so far out (is it until October?) was a mistake. On the surface it seemed to make more sense to me to taper it down fairly sharply and quickly after the initial burst, thereby reserving some financial firepower for the winter if things deteriorate then.

Resistance to it's ending wasn't hard to foresee, but will only get worse the longer it is left in place.

I would have to agree with that. Without a vaccine or suitable therapeutics. Because as soon as lock down is lifted the R rate will increase sharply. So unless this miracle vaccine actually does come out in September and has a nation wide roll out by the end of October - mid November. Which is a mammoth task (one that I have very little faith in these jokers being able to deliver) then another Lockndown through the winter will be essential. So yeah I have to agree with that.
Issues is once lockdowns lifted if the plan is to re-lockdown if there is a spike many companies will go to wall and there will be a spat of redundancies in the millions before a second furlough scheme can take off.

That’s why lockdown should be lifted for good when whoever, gets the balls to do so.

If people’s end is a vaccine then the choice of life or a life worth living comes into play for me and I take going back to work safely and permanent every day of the week
Issues is once lockdowns lifted if the plan is to re-lockdown if there is a spike many companies will go to wall and there will be a spat of redundancies in the millions before a second furlough scheme can take off.

That’s why lockdown should be lifted for good when whoever, gets the balls to do so.

If people’s end is a vaccine then the choice of life or a life worth living comes into play for me and I take going back to work safely and permanent every day of the week

With out working therapeutics or a widely distributed vaccine the R and death rate would be within the 100s of thousands. Unless suitable track, trace and social distancing measures are implemented successfully.

So unless something changes a second shutdown is inevitable. Which I agree will have a horrific effect on the economy.
With out working therapeutics or a widely distributed vaccine the R and death rate would be within the 100s of thousands. Unless suitable track, trace and social distancing measures are implemented successfully.

I feel the realms of the conversation going down the wrong route too as I reflect in my pants whilst working. My fault as I probably was not reading clearly as my hayfever is kicking up a notch.

There is a difference between testing and track n trace. I agree with idea of TnT for those that have Covid19 but I question the reliability of testing for the reasons I mentioned in an earlier post aka, the accuracy of the results, the delay in results which could result in spread either way, which is why I feel that testing is not effective if run away from lockdown
I thought at the time it was announced that the extension of the furlough scheme so far out (is it until October?) was a mistake. On the surface it seemed to make more sense to me to taper it down fairly sharply and quickly after the initial burst, thereby reserving some financial firepower for the winter if things deteriorate then.

Resistance to it's ending wasn't hard to foresee, but will only get worse the longer it is left in place.

We are now in a position where people are just taking the tinkle - you know what, if that was a weekend day I wouldn’t have half the problems with it - but it was a weekday.

Some jobs fair enough - they can’t go back hospitality/aviation/cinemas because of government restrictions - which need to be lifted - but I’m not hearing them moan about it not being safe.

There’s a couple at my work that are point blank refusing to come into the office, I hope they are some of the redundancies as out office is as safe as it can be.
Issues is once lockdowns lifted if the plan is to re-lockdown if there is a spike many companies will go to wall and there will be a spat of redundancies in the millions before a second furlough scheme can take off.

That’s why lockdown should be lifted for good when whoever, gets the balls to do so.

If people’s end is a vaccine then the choice of life or a life worth living comes into play for me and I take going back to work safely and permanent every day of the week

We won’t lock down again.

Governments know they fudged up listening to made up data that someone with a 3 darts and dartboard could have come up with.
We won’t lock down again.

Governments know they fudged up listening to made up data that someone with a 3 darts and dartboard could have come up with.

We will lock down again unless either a vaccine or a therapeutics becomes widespread effective. Otherwise come the winter 100s of thousands will die. The government won't survive that, especially if other countries do lock down again.
We will lock down again unless either a vaccine or a therapeutics becomes widespread effective. Otherwise come the winter 100s of thousands will die. The government won't survive that, especially if other countries do lock down again.

No chance, who is going to pay for it.

they will shield the care homes/hospitals which they should have done from the start.

100 thousands will die in the UK? Is that Ferguson’s programme again?

The numbers are so high because we went full lock down and didn’t shield.
No chance, who is going to pay for it.

they will shield the care homes/hospitals which they should have done from the start.

100 thousands will die in the UK? Is that Ferguson’s programme again?

The numbers are so high because we went full lock down and didn’t shield.

Think it will be some sort of hybrid version which with the benefit of hindsight we should have done from the start.

Cant see a full on lockdown again and nor should the be one.