Let’s hope so . The premier league will have to be all over the next owners . No way they can risk any more sports washing .
Let’s hope so . The premier league will have to be all over the next owners . No way they can risk any more sports washing .
Unbelievable. The sports minister has got some front. Don’t want to upset the old oil mafia .
It may be whatabout-ism to a but I do wonder if those who are publicly outraged by Chelsea’s ownership and recent history will boycott the World Cup in Qatar. It’s obviously not the same explicit issue and one could reasonably wonder whether not choosing to watch something is going to make a difference in the long run but the point remains. The longer I type this message for the more I realise I should probably move off the grid and block out modern society on all levels but I do love football despite how much it tinkles me off, ugh.
Seriously though (and it’d be the same even if impartially),fudge Chelsea and everything they stand for, for their request to deprive the Middlesbrough fans of potential continued and potential glory due to something that has nothing to do with them (unlike the Chelsea fan’s current situation as at least they’ve enjoyed the blood money), fudge them.
Tuchel has played the “pauper’s card” well (If it’s only the shirts we’ve got on our back i’ll drive us there myself flimflam), Let’s face it their players are still performing but I’d fudging love it if Middlesbrough tore them a new one when it comes to it. I think every club apart from Chelsea will be behind them after the request, that’s a rare level of unpopularity even for a club like Chelsea.
I don't see why the government should accommodate Chelski and help them stay afloat. They took a risk by allowing a dubious Russian to buy the club and bankroll them.
So far they've reaped massive rewards from the cheating - now that the tide has turned, it's only fair that they'll also face the negative concequences of their actions to the full.
Cheatski get brought and the 1.5 b debt gets written off that will be them coming out of the muck smelling of roses.
Is that a possibility does anyone know ? Because that would clearly be an unfair advantage for the new owners. Other clubs operate for the most part properly and they’ve just taken the tinkle .
They should hire the driver of the coach I was on a couple of weeks ago- got us back in just under 4 hours.
And the Daily Mail should be more careful with its language. I know it’s all about making the club look bad and I don’t have a problem with that but a “gruelling” journey is trying to get out of Ukraine to safety, not a coach trip to Middlesbrough (although the destination may well fall into that category).
for a while now, 20, 30 minutes instead of 5 hours plus on a cramped coachout of interest when did it become the norm for clubs to fly to domestic away games? I remember watching Premier League Years from 92/93 and Norwich flew up to a Monday Night game at Oldham with their fans on board too.
I can remember a few times driving home from an away game in the midlands and driving past the team coach on the M1 or M6.
out of interest when did it become the norm for clubs to fly to domestic away games? I remember watching Premier League Years from 92/93 and Norwich flew up to a Monday Night game at Oldham with their fans on board too.
I can remember a few times driving home from an away game in the midlands and driving past the team coach on the M1 or M6.
I wondered that too. We often see post match clips of our players on a coach - unless that’s just taking them to the airport which would be a waste of an empty coach for the rest of the journey. Possibly just for midweek games (though obviously not in this example) where recovery time is more limited? For our game at Boro we had two coaches of players and staff (at least one was liveried, can’t recall if both were). I just assumed the team came up from London in that but maybe not.
It may be whatabout-ism but I do wonder if those who are publicly outraged by Chelsea’s ownership and recent history will boycott the World Cup in Qatar. It’s obviously not the same explicit issue and one could reasonably wonder whether not choosing to watch something is going to make a difference in the long run but the point remains. The longer I type this message for the more I realise I should probably move off the grid and block out modern society on all levels but I do love football despite how much it tinkles me off, ugh.
out of interest when did it become the norm for clubs to fly to domestic away games? I remember watching Premier League Years from 92/93 and Norwich flew up to a Monday Night game at Oldham with their fans on board too.
I can remember a few times driving home from an away game in the midlands and driving past the team coach on the M1 or M6.
I’ve made it known to Southgate that I’m not available for selection.
I won’t do the Panini album either.