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Championship and EFL Football

Football can get really annoying when you don't get the results you want. Still feeling bitter about Leicester winning the PL, Spurs end up in 3rd place and ManU winning the FA Cup. And now Real winning the CL and Hull winning the promotion to the PL only makes it more annoying !

Really hate to see a club without any history like Hull (also known as Spurs B team) beating Sheff Wednesday in the play-off final. Wanted Wednesday to win the promotion as they have more rich history and have not played in PL for long time. In contrast, Hull have just got relegated from the PL last year, have a few former Spurs players and an annoying manager Bruce !

Of the 3 teams promoted to the PL from the Championship, only Burnley has rich history while Middlesbrough and Hull have none to speak of. Would have preferred Derby and Wednesday to get promoted instead and make the PL more exciting.
Is it a derby? The factors underlying the significance of the game seem to rule it out as a derby.

It will be a great match-up, though.
That's gonna be some derby.

Will be interesting to see how many AFC fans go to the away game) (or even the home game for that matter) as they don't recognise the existence of MK Dons.
Really pleased to see them get the promotion. Only saw the last 10 minutes of the game. Why the 7 minutes added, which turned into 11 minutes added in total?
Maybe not techinically a derby, but close enough. It's like they're playing themselves. I'm pretty sure the AFC fans will be just as pumped up for this as we are when we play the Arse.
Maybe not techinically a derby, but close enough. It's like they're playing themselves. I'm pretty sure the AFC fans will be just as pumped up for this as we are when we play the Arse.

I'm sure that they will but they are not from the same area, so it is not a derby.
A piece? Don't make me laugh.

Bentaleb is behind Mason, like it or not, so he is the likelier to leave.
Tounge in cheek and all that. Bentaleb is a far better talent than Mason. Mason won't get much better, but Bentaleb has far more potential imo.
Looking forward to this now Rafa is staying.

Cancelled my season ticket in January in disgust but I will renew.
'Not in the wider interests of football', they sneered, casually dismissing the desperate pleas of Wimbledon fans who were then forced to watch their club disappear and be replaced by an artificial entity far from home all those long years ago.

Well, I hope the suits at the FA who callously took the decision to dismantle Wimbledon and sell it to a property developer are still around, and are now free to enjoy the sight of their artificial creation playing, and hopefully being crushed by the *real* Dons.
AFC wimbledon should be a separate thread, few things genuinely make me happy in life these days but this did. If ever there was a rags to riches story this was it. They had try - outs on wimbledon common for all and sundry to get players for their first season, they started from he very bottom and through hard work and discipline are now in league 1, this is as amazing a story as Leicester, in fact you would probably have got 5000-1 for AFC to get where they are from that day on wimbledon common. MK dons should lose "dons" now, the Dons are back in town. The only downside in all this for me is that the last greyhound stadium in London will now likely close but that's an argument for another time.....
Maybe not techinically a derby, but close enough. It's like they're playing themselves. I'm pretty sure the AFC fans will be just as pumped up for this as we are when we play the Arse.


AFC Wimbledon fans find FA Cup tie at MK Dons too hard to stomach

So finally, fatefully, AFC Wimbledon, formed in 2002 by supporters who abhorred their club's removal to a town far away, will play League One Milton Keynes Dons, which the old Wimbledon so controversially became

Those describing the FA Cup second-round tie, to be played in Milton Keynes the weekend of 1 December, as a grudge match or – cringingly – "the Dons derby", have been quickly put right by AFC Wimbledon fans. Many have said they will not go to the club they call "the franchise"; others will travel to support their team, but few wanted this game to come.

"We will be professional, maintain our reputation; this is something we have to get done, while knowing many of us probably will not enjoy it very much," said Erik Samuelson, AFC Wimbledon's chief executive.

In south London, feelings about one of football's most extraordinary and bitter episodes still run deep and have been rawly scratched with the FA Cup draw. Fierce resentment remains among AFC Wimbledon supporters that their club was taken away. There is also profound pride at the Football League club they have built from scratch in the 10 years since.

They say the term grudge match is too superficial and misunderstands the depth of AFC Wimbledon emotion, because this is not a game between two roughly equal clubs with a mutual history of football rivalry. The old Wimbledon, bust and homeless, was sanctioned to be transplanted to Milton Keynes by an independent three-person panel convened under Football Association procedures. But AFC Wimbledon fans still talk of their club having been stolen.

The supporters have etched in their memories the 2-1 decision of that panel and its rejection of the fans' vow that if Peter Winkelman's Milton Keynes project was given Wimbledon and a Football League place, the fans would turn away and form their own club.

The two panel members known to have voted for the move, Raj Parker, a commercial solicitor at the FA's lawyers, Freshfields, and Steve Stride, then operations director at Aston Villa, said of the move: "Resurrecting the club from its ashes as, say, 'Wimbledon Town' is, with respect to those supporters who would rather that happened so they could go back to the position the club started in 113 years ago, not in the wider interests of football."

In response AFC Wimbledon fans had the phrase "not in the wider interests of football" printed on T-shirts once they began determinedly and joyously working their new, fan-owned club up the football pyramid from a start in the Combined Counties League.

Rather than depicting the FA Cup tie as a grudge match, it can be read as a confrontation between two opposed incarnations of modern football. Winkelman, a tireless and gifted salesman for Milton Keynes, argued they could not take the local non-league club, Milton Keynes City, and painstakingly build it up into the Football League. Once the panel sanctioned the move, which the Football League had rejected and the FA disapproved, Asda enabled the stadium to be built as it secured a superstore on the site. The club did originally play in Milton Keynes as Wimbledon, only to drop the name in 2004, but kept Dons, Wimbledon's nickname, which Samuelson and the AFC Wimbledon fans want Winkelman now to formally hand back.

While MK Dons have become a Football League fixture, relegated in 2006 then promoted back to League One two years later, AFC Wimbledon fans formed a new club, which their democratic, mutual supporters trust still owns. They consider themselves the old Wimbledon, founded in 1889 and the "Crazy Gang" FA Cup winners of 1988, and in their new guise they won promotions up the formidable non-leagues, including the Ryman League whose chairman, Alan Turvey, was the dissenting member on that independent panel.

When they gained Football League status last year with victory in the Conference play-off final against Luton Town, it was vindication for loyalty and stubborn determination, a triumph for Supporters Direct, which promotes the values of fan ownership, and its then chief executive, Dave Boyle.

That history explains why meeting MK Dons is not a football match the AFC Wimbledon supporters ever wanted, and one to which many will not go.

A piece? Don't make me laugh.

Bentaleb is behind Mason, like it or not, so he is the likelier to leave.

Bentaleb is about 3.5 years younger than Mason. Bentaleb is now at the age Mason was at when he had just finished his failed loan in France and then moved to Swindon in League One for a season.