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Canning Town Bingo Club

Rapier like wit.
Being somewhat ancient, out of touch and politically incorrect, I do blame United for the problem. If they had turned up when they should have, the situation wouldn't have arisen. They were late for our game - surely that is a wake up call to say "let's be on time" next time we go to London. A couple of bottles were thrown at a coach, big deal. The only reason it got such coverage is because the delay to the game meant the commentators had to find something to fill the airwaves. Football is 99% sanitised already......
Seriously? Taking the moral high ground after the way your team behaved at Chelsea?

The big difference being our players were provoked before and during the game by unprofessional clams like Hazard and Fabregas and they reacted, didn't cover themselves in glory, but there was provocation.

What was the excuse for you fans behaving like they did last night? There is no rivalry between you lot and Man United that I am aware of, unless you have ditched us as your pet hate and randomly selected them and manufactured a hatred for them like you did with us just because Millwall aren't around to fulfil your big derby game.

Loved Sullivan's comments too, firstly denying it happened and secondly, saying United should have arrived at 4 o'clock. And done what exactly until kickoff nearly 4 hours later? Maybe Man United didn't care about it being the last game at the Boleyn despite how much Sky, BBC and the media in general tried to make everyone stop what they were doing and celebrate it. Never seen so much fuss for a club moving, even when Arsenal moved from Highbury, which was a far more famous and iconic ground, despite not having a great atmosphere.
The obvious solution to enable Man Utd to arrive on time is to parachute in from a light aircraft; the only problem then will be finding a helmet to fit Van Gaal
Loved Sullivan's comments too, firstly denying it happened and secondly, saying United should have arrived at 4 o'clock. And done what exactly until kickoff nearly 4 hours later? Maybe Man United didn't care about it being the last game at the Boleyn despite how much Sky, BBC and the media in general tried to make everyone stop what they were doing and celebrate it. Never seen so much fuss for a club moving, even when Arsenal moved from Highbury, which was a far more famous and iconic ground, despite not having a great atmosphere.

hahaha this is my point? Turn up at 4 so you can celebrate your move into a tax payers paid stadium, go away.

Man United were at the ground two hours early, there was no traffic, it was the fans delaying them to get to the ground, stand out the way and let the coach through, no lets not do that, lets smash it up...

Its such warped logic blaming United, stupid
I do have sympathy for the vast majority of West Ham fans who get this thrown at them. All the West Ham fans I know don't hate Spurs and can't understand where the pseudo rivalry comes from. Their chairman acted true to norm, he's a c***. I wouldn't assume some macarons following us would do something to shame this club in the future as "football fans" seem more tribal and demanding each year.
I do have sympathy for the vast majority of West Ham fans who get this thrown at them. All the West Ham fans I know don't hate Spurs and can't understand where the pseudo rivalry comes from. Their chairman acted true to norm, he's a c***. I wouldn't assume some macarons following us would do something to shame this club in the future as "football fans" seem more tribal and demanding each year.

Broadly speaking from what I come across, the younger ones hate us, the older ones don't.
As someone mentioned earlier this could be linked to no longer having the same interactions with Milwall that used to exist when they were more frequently in the same division and having to look elsewhere.
Broadly speaking from what I come across, the younger ones hate us, the older ones don't.
As someone mentioned earlier this could be linked to no longer having the same interactions with Milwall that used to exist when they were more frequently in the same division and having to look elsewhere.
I think it just comes from jealousy.... We're at bit like their big, better looking, more successful brother. They would love to be us, but to admit it would kill them.
Broadly speaking from what I come across, the younger ones hate us, the older ones don't.
As someone mentioned earlier this could be linked to no longer having the same interactions with Milwall that used to exist when they were more frequently in the same division and having to look elsewhere.

A lot of this I think is true.
I grew up in North London and it was always Arsenal the enemy, no one else until a bit later when Chelsea were in the same division.
I've family through marriage who are Whammers and they quite like Spurs however, the younger lads have developed a dislike. Same is true with work colleagues, the older ones speak quite highly of us whereas the younger lot (mainly from Essex/East London) have a real hatred which is hard for me to understand especially as they're 'mates'. :D
Personally I've always liked West Ham. Was a big fan of Trevor Brooking, Alan Devonshire and Frank Lampard Snr. and his dance round the corner flag at Elland Road in the cup semi replay. :cool:

Edit - Just noticed 'Matty Etherington' under my avatar, oh the IRONy!
I'm not deluded at all. The behaviour yesterday does not represent an entire fan base. Do you not think that, I, like the majority of others want to see these idiots eradicated from the game altogether? Every club has it's section of tools. Put yourself in a similar scenario. If it's the last match at WHL and scenes replicating yesterday's occur, you're not going to feel slightly peeved that it is the main focal point?

I agree with you 100% on this Mickey.

I think the storm over it is pathetic, especially given the fact that Helen Keller could've predicted that Green Street should probably have been shut and the team buses given FULL police escorts.

People are forgetting that this is about much more than just a team leaving a stadium, it is a local anchor being moved to another port. The entire neighborhood is going to slowly wither away. There won't even be a ground to look at in a few years, just some overpriced fudging flats for a bunch of bankers intent on 'gentrifying' every single thing they can lay their over-paid hands on.

So add that tension to thousands without tickets to POOR planning and what will you get? That situation. It could've been way way worse. I am not saying it was right, but as is typical in modern sanctimonious media, they could not wait to jump all over it and literally 'will back' the '80s (most of those who write about those days were not there - a few fudging tomatoes and two bottles would've been a quiet time back then!)...

I personally found the extreme over-reaction to the Chelski game equally pathetic, and we even saw it recently with an innocent photo of our manager having lunch with SAF; the man had already said he was signing a new contract, yet suddenly, because he shared some fudging crusty rolls with Fergie, he's leaving for Man Utd, etc, etc...

I have no love for West Ham.
I have three very good friends who are die-hard hammers we wind each other up all the time.
I have been involved in several VERY unsavory incidents at Upton Park back in the day (not my doing I might add) but I still think it is SAD to see 'progress' steamroll communities, and was therefore empathetic with the feelings of many hammers on Tuesday.

One final thing - Sullivan remains a taco, and using the 'incident' as another ad campaign for why the move had to happen was as tacky as he is.