This thread really shows me how little the bulk of the people posting in it know about America. Our constitution and our national psyche. I moved to the US 14 years ago and am now an American citizen and a gun owner.
I also have a concealed carry permit. I always carry, and have a shotgun in the house just in case we get any unwanted visitors( and yes,I would have absolutely no compunction in shooting someone should G-d forbid, my family be attacked) For what its worth I am in favour of banning automatic and semi automatic guns of any type, and this surely has to happen but it is going to be very very difficult. Nobody needs an Uzi or an M16. Handguns, Shotguns and hunting rifles I am fine with
My wife also carries and both my kids have been taught to handle and shoot handguns. It's just part of life here. The feeling of helplessness I had in the UK after Tony Martin was jailed for protecting his property was a small factor in my deciding to emigrate. Under Florida law I am authorised to shoot an intruder in my home. I must stress that I don't particularly like any of this but it is what it is and I feel safer at night armed. Questions welcome.