Steffen Freund
Brexit was the defeat of complex truth in the face of simple lies. Maybe "lies" is too strong, misrepresentation is probably fairer.
@glorygloryeze if the above is correct, it shows that Switzerland doesn't get much from being out of the EU's tax regiem. They still have free movement of people, and just copy and paste the EUs laws into their own to allow them to trade freely on some goods. So they don't get out of free movement, they don't get sovrignity on laws that involve trade (but can't participate in making these laws). Things cost Swiss people more becuase there isn't completely free compeition, and there are the hassels of border checks. Does the Swiss model sound benificial to the UK? This is the complex truth. Not the misrepresentation that some peddle to get votes. Who are those that spin these mistruths? Generally, a private school educated elite, who want to see a victorian gentry and the rest of the population as surfs and trades people.
It's not a vision I think most people who voted Leave share?
The Swiss model shows that a border with the EU is possible and isn't "the end of the world" scenario that remainers paint; to me it's not ideal but it's a price to pay to stay outside of the push towards a Unites States of Europe. Ireland is a key trading country so if not for the fact that the EU want to have jurisdiction over Ireland in a way to make it just a sub-region of the EU, having arrangements across the Irish border that would be beneficial to both the UK and Ireland would be eminently possible, like it is between various countries around the world.