David Ginola
Well we should change government every time the is a change in opinion poll then.
Isn't that how Democracy works? At a minium of every 5 years government changes according to polling of the day. And there was only 2 years between the last two General Elections. Quite possibly there will only be a 2 year gap from the last to the next one now.
What mess? Don't let the liberal media lead the narrative here. Perhaps a slight slow down in growth but no mess yet.
Seriously? Even stanuch Brexiteers like Boris are saying, lets get out of this mess. We have no plan, no prospect of an agreement, and a government with no options - damned whatever it does.
You said it yourself "a slight slow down but no mess yet" Exactly, this is savable, the UK will have had slower growth and delayed the end of Austerity, but the UK hasn't yet lost massive amounts of jobs, and the investment would come back if we can trade freely with our neighbours.
I would have accepted soft brexit to start with but we have a once in a lifetime chance to do something great and set the country on an amazing path. Bound to be a little bit of upheaval at first mind, but the end goal is worth it.
If people are honest, Hard Brexit has not been a choice for Leavers, its the only option, as its become clear that soft Brexit doesn't deliver anything! It is worse than Remaining. The one thing in Hard Brexit's favour is that it still remains undefined, so people can project their wants and desires onto it.
If you take the time to break down and model what a harder brexit looks like, does it end in a similar prognosis to Soft Brexit - no real improvement for the UK?
Yet, the sentiments of Brexit are honorable, the themes of Brexit need to delivered upon. To me that is by making changes in the UK and working with other euro-sceptical EU countries to guide the EU to fit comtempory desires in Europe. Lets remain at the centre and affect change, not run away to the periphery, where the UK will still be at the mercy of global forces. We're better off helping to shape and control these forces, rather than think we can cut off from them.
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