I do have to say Kanye himself has said he has been diagnosed with autism…
I feel from growing up with my dad that the periodic behaviour of outbursts he has reminds me a lot of my father. The manic episodes stand out. It’s then followed for months of depression where you are not well mentally.. but not destructive out. Then months of absolute genuine calm
And obviously it’s possible to have both
Should say my father eventually got diagnosed when he was 50 and I was 19
I tried my best to tell social services my father was extremely unwell. and that I had long suspected her had bipolar. I was repeatedly ignored because I was young. One of the things they did (to them confirming he was fine) was go to ask him if he knew what date it was and whether he felt he was mentally unwell
I said “well I never said he was an idiot… and if you ask someone who is insane whether they are sane…. They are always gonna say yes!”
A month after I was ignored… my father went to mow his garden at 3AM

his neighbours asked him why he was mowing the lawn at 3AM on a Thursday night. He told them he would stick the lawn mower up their arse sideways if they didn’t mind their own
After police arrived and my dad fought them off (my dad apparently held his own against a group of them) he was pepper sprayed. Taken to a psychiatrist unit, diagnosed as bipolar and medicated
Now 13 years later (as if by magic) my father hasn’t drunk as single alcoholic drink or caused any problem whatsoever
With Kanye he has refused medication. I think this will go on indefinitely for him until he accepts he needs to be medicated