tinkled i cant watch tonight, work in the morning, fml
hahaha what are you 12 !!!
Anyone got a stream for this they can pm me please? i have not watched Wrestling for years but do enjoy a Royal Rumble.
The actual Rumble itself was a bit of a let down. I think so anyway, was pretty blazed.Doesnt sound great from what i hear.
Only highlights was the fact that road dogg returned!
It wasn't a bad Rumble, but it didn't live up to its potential as we've seen in some classic ones in the past.
Didn't help that Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker etc. weren't able to take part.
Sheamus was a worthy winner, he's been epic over the past few months, an absolute beast... now it's only a matter or whether he challenges CM Punk or Daniel Bryan to a match at Wrestlemania... my money is on Daniel Bryan for the World Heavyweight Championship.
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Cena will get the WWE title at Elimination Chamber after turning heel and face the Rock in the main event at Wrestlemania. CM Punk will have a feud with Jericho I reckon, about the best in the world malarkey.