Gary Stevens
Strange that there appears to be a number of these in a short space of time.
The 777 has been flying for about 25 years and those engines will have cycled at least 4 or 5 times in the lifespan of each shell. I wonder if being left in storage for a while and then brought back into service has had some kind of effect.
Ah yes good point. I know even when grounded they go and run the engines to keep things ticking over, but its not the same as a full flight. Same with cars - the engine feels better after a good workout.
The other thing is the drive for efficient engines has pushed RR, PW etc to the limit. They have squeezed so much fuel efficiency from these modern jet engines that I think we are seeing how close to the line they are flying. Similar to Boeing - they had to compete with planes/ engines that save fuel, to win orders. There will need to be a paradigm shift to get even more efficiency, however. The coming years will probably just see consolidation - making these extremely efficient engines robust.