Pat van den Hauwe
I've grown accustomed to the scouse accent after a few years of living in Liverpool to be honest. At first it sounds aggressive and inaudible but I find it quite endearing.
I have no idea why but I like like the Aussie women's accent, gives me the 'orn.For me - it has to be the Aussie one, followed closely by the hip-hop urban culture vomit. Honourable third for English with a Spanish accent.
As for best - probably English with a French 'twirl'
South African.
Seriously,, Scouse, Geordie and Aussie. Can't stand them.
Love the (south) Wales accent though.
South African.
as soon as i saw midlands - i read your post in a faux brummy accent
I have no idea why but I like like the Aussie women's accent, gives me the 'orn.
Speaking from experience? Can't say I have. What i do know is that most of them accentuate the end of every sentence which does get quite annoying. Nothing that would put me off mind, doubt much wouldBecause they're all filthy.