Tony Galvin
Worst day out I've ever had was at the Tate Modern when I was around 12. Even at that age I could tell what a load of **** modern art is, it actually really wound me up that they were basically picking random things and classing it as art.
One of the displays was a stereo speaker in a glass cabinet which every 10 seconds or so played a sound of a pig grunting. Apparently that was art.
Then there was some 'artistic video', done by CIG or something like that, of a naked caveman chasing a naked cave woman, then pinning her to the ground and proceeding to commit cannibalism on her. Was just sick and disgusting!
Then there was some painting by Picasso which, if I remember rightly, were random yellow sploges on a piece of paper. Like he had some left over paint and just lobbed it on to get rid of it. Some foreign tourists were gasping at it in awe like there was something special about it.
Pretentious arseholes most of them, have not got a clue what they are looking at but by drooling over they believe they are wise. It was a closed viewing that I went to and I have never met so many guys who have their head up their arses.