Johnny nice-tits
BraintAdd Braintree onto that for me and it's more of a ballache!

BraintAdd Braintree onto that for me and it's more of a ballache!
Possibe to post a seat map of whats left
Actually reference above^^
No money was taken and you have until 26th to pay. So in effect a fortnight to wimp out/change your mind/reconsider. Assume this is probably normal practice but may help those still to decide.
Possibe to post a seat map of whats left
You can't pick the individual seat, only the block. You can ask to be close to a friend that has already bought ('find seat closest to block xx & seat xx) - that's what i did & got same block & row but around 20 seats further along.
I have entered my credit card details already, will i still have to log in & make the physical payment before the 26th? It certainly reads like that is the case.
Think you'll have to go on the site.
I picked an individual seat block 134 - row 21 - seat 12 (sorry whoever's next door)
That's my understanding, no payment was actually taken, you've reserved your seat and you now have to go back in and actually pay for it by the 26th. When you do you'll get the 10 month option via V12.
Praying I don't get some total knob sitting next to me for a whole season!
I picked an individual seat block 134 - row 21 - seat 12 (sorry whoever's next door)
I guess I've got to hope that about 10000 people don't take up the option as I'm about 23000 on the list...
I guess I've got to hope that about 10000 people don't take up the option as I'm about 23000 on the list...
I think you will likely get one tbh. I think quite a few people are going to take the risk and sit out this season just in case.
Did consider this myself. Was only 350 on the list and figured that would put me right at the front of the queue for NWHL. Only reason I didn't was the thought of 18K people jumping in front of me when it came to choosing where I might be able to sit in the new ground.
My pal just got an ST on his own, he asked to be near the 10 ST holders and he is in the next seat so they will tryYou can't pick the individual seat, only the block. You can ask to be close to a friend that has already bought ('find seat closest to block xx & seat xx) - that's what i did & got same block & row but around 20 seats further along.