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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

I love the fact that the vast majority of people on RAWK are angrily demanding that Standard Chartered keep their nose out of Liverpool's football affairs, and fudge off if they don't like it.

Who exactly is paying for the wages, and who paid for Suarez? Not the fans; gate receipts wouldn't cover the deal's total cost, and certainly wouldn't pay the wages every year. Yep, FSG. The owners. And the commercial sponsors, chief of whom is Standard Chartered. They're so angry about SC's public statement that they forget that without their commercial partners, and without their owners, both of whom have a right to be concerned about all the negative PR, the club would be competing with the likes of Stoke, Sunderland and West Brom, rather than paying the wages they do and buying the players they do. So sure, if you're so mad, get SC to fudge off; enjoy getting Wonga or someone sponsoring your shirts for 10 milllion quid over five years,because there's no way in hell that any reputable company will sponsor Liverpool if they're not allowed to criticise the club for actions that they perceive to be damaging to their brand. So yes, get Wonga or someone similar, and see just how many players of Suarez's ilk you'll be able to buy then. Chances are, none.

Football's sadly become a business. But you need to adapt or get left behind. They should be thanking their stars they've got such generous sponsorship deals, not moaning about the sponsors expressing concern at recent events. It's their money, after all.

I agree fully about that way of thinking being gonads.

However, I think The FA (and FIFA) are right to draw a line at racism, make that kind of sledging against the rules and punish it.

The Liverpool fans that allegedly chanted racist things at that Oldham player most likely wouldn't have done it if not for the support Suarez got from Liverpool FC. Any sign of not punishing racism, any sign of being lenient can easily be seen as acceptance of it. It is a problem within football like it is within the rest of society. And it's a chance for football to be of real use by bringing people together and standing firm against what is totally unacceptable.

Have you ever tried tinkling into the wind?

What would you do to stamp out racism, start jailing people, having them flogged and then the death penalty for 3 offences?

Its human nature

I'll bet you laugh at jokes about Swedish people and Danish people (IIRC you are Norwegian) - surely thats racist as well? Or do we decide that because they are Scandinavian its OK? Which is cool by me, as I can still tell jokes about French people without fear of censure or arrest.

Or is that acceptable, because its just a joke?

If it is, do I put in a caveat for my French jokes that I'm only taking the tinkle out of the white ones, and that the joke doesn't apply to the millions of Africans that live there, or Arabs etc Maybe thats racist as well, that my insults aren't good enough for non white French people?

People need to be a little more robust, we are breeding generations of fairies who have their egos and sensitivities massaged all the time - mostly by soppy white clams with nothing better, but time on their hands to become the racist police.
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Brainclipse - i think what myself and Jimmy are trying to get across is that what Evra said was racist as well - he has said something offensive and used Suarezes ethnicity in that. if i was to say to an African person "don't touch me, African" i would be done for racism, no ? this is exactly what Evra has said (and is considered as fact as per the official report, which i have read) - so why is only one party considered worthy of punishment ?

no one is saying Suarez is innocent and no one is saying that he shouldn't be punished - all anyone is trying to say, as far as i can see, is that both players have said something racially offensive - yet only one has been punished for it - all i want to see is a level playing field for all - and instances like these highlight the blatant hypocrisy running through football (and to a wider extent - society) on these subjects

this is taken from the Show Racism The Red Card website

Using someone's skin colour or ethnicity as an insult has a deeper effect. It implies that it is negative to be of that background and attacks something which is intrinsic to that person. It is an attack not just on the individual, but on other members of their family, community or group. When high-profile people act in this way it gives licence for others to copy-cat and creates a society where that behaviour is deemed acceptable. If we don't challenge racist language and insults, we are paving the way for some people to go on to commit more serious incidents of hate-crime. People who commit acts of hate crime believe that they are acting on behalf of and with the support of their community; it is up to all of us to demonstrate that this behaviour is unacceptable and not supported.

It still notes ones origin and ethnicity.

Portrayng him as an innocent lamb is absolute flimflam, imv - he was winding him up all along probably

Who's portraying Evra as an 'innocent lamb' FFS? If I call someone from Saudi Sportswashing Machine a 'thick Geordie' or a 'thick Englishman' it is NOT RACIST. do you understand that simple difference? And who said Evra was a saint? When it first fudging happened I noted there were several words someone could use at Evra, most notably the word clam, however Luis Suarez went for skin colour and then tried to justify it. The same man who bit someone in Holland, the same man who punched a ball off the line in a vital WC QF and then ran around celebrating at the end and boasting about his 'save'. The same man who kicked Scott Parker in the stomach. He is a total clam, his track record does him no favors, and he was found guilty partially by his own admission, of using racist language. What is so hard about this?
BTW, however much he was being wound-up, again, there are a plethora of words to use towards Evra, none of which refer to skin colour. I again return to the word 'clam'...we can SURELY agree on this simple matter, right?
A better comparrison would have been if suarez had replied "whys that you African xxx" which imo would also have got him in the same trouble

Patrice Evra is French. Actually, if Suarez HAD said 'African' his ignorance might've saved him because he could've got away with saying her was referring to continent and not skin colour...but the fact is, he used a racist term.
Why do people continue to try to embellish and deliberately misrepresent what Suarez said? He said "negro" - which, in Spanish, means black.

For the umpteenth time, "n*gger" is a far more emotionally charged and offensive word, simply because of its historical context.

Here is what 'negrito' means: "The term "Negrito" is the Spanish diminutive of negro, i.e. "little black person", referring to their small stature, and was coined by early European explorers.[3]
Occasionally, some Negritos are referred to as pygmies, bundling them with peoples of similar physical stature in Central Africa, and likewise, the term Negrito was previously occasionally used to refer to African Pygmies."

Can there be any doubt whatsoever that Luis Suarez meant this in a friendly, 'colloquial-way-we-Uruguyans-have-when-referring-to-black-people' fashion? It was used in a demeaning, racist way. If he'd called him a 'midget clam' then it's just thick banter, but he went for skin colour...I don't know mate, if you think that's acceptable/not a huge deal, then we beg to differ...I mean, do you seriously believe Luis Suarez has been hard done by? The thick peasant only needed to apologize in the first place and it might've been a 3 game ban at most...
I have to say, that's a very convenient interpretation for those who want to crucify Suarez and excuse Evra.

But, excuse the pun, it really isn't so black and white. Everyone seems to want to give Evra the benefit of the doubt but to deny Suarez the same.

I happen to think that, guilty or not guilty, both should be judged by the same standards.

Why is it convenient? What is convenient about a fact?
Brainclipse - i think what myself and Jimmy are trying to get across is that what Evra said was racist as well - he has said something offensive and used Suarezes ethnicity in that. if i was to say to an African person "don't touch me, African" i would be done for racism, no ? this is exactly what Evra has said (and is considered as fact as per the official report, which i have read) - so why is only one party considered worthy of punishment ?

no one is saying Suarez is innocent and no one is saying that he shouldn't be punished - all anyone is trying to say, as far as i can see, is that both players have said something racially offensive - yet only one has been punished for it - all i want to see is a level playing field for all - and instances like these highlight the blatant hypocrisy running through football (and to a wider extent - society) on these subjects

this is taken from the Show Racism The Red Card website

Using someone's skin colour or ethnicity as an insult has a deeper effect. It implies that it is negative to be of that background and attacks something which is intrinsic to that person. It is an attack not just on the individual, but on other members of their family, community or group. When high-profile people act in this way it gives licence for others to copy-cat and creates a society where that behaviour is deemed acceptable. If we don't challenge racist language and insults, we are paving the way for some people to go on to commit more serious incidents of hate-crime. People who commit acts of hate crime believe that they are acting on behalf of and with the support of their community; it is up to all of us to demonstrate that this behaviour is unacceptable and not supported.

I understand your point, and as I already said, when this first happened felt there were a litany of names to call Evra which did not refer to skin colour. But I simply cannot understand why you cannot see the difference in referring to someone's skin colour versus their geography (which, BTW, is also pretty stupid but not crossing a line)...you said that if you said to an African person 'don't touch me 'African...'...there are 47 countries in the African continent. So essentially, it would be no different to saying to a European, don't touch me European'...in fact, let me put it to you that you could be directing your 'African person' comment to a white South African! See the difference?

IF Luis Suarez had wanted to respond in kind, he should've said 'fudge off you French clam' or whatever; not clever but not crossing that line.

For what it's worth, even though i think Suarez is an ignorant taco, I do NOT think he is a racist. I think he is thick. And thus for me, all he had to was apologia for saying what he said. A mistake perhaps. An ignorant man making a mistake. He wouldn't be the first. Instead, he and Liverpool mounted one of the most vigorously stupid 'defenses' I have ever seen a football club make. And for that alone, he must bear responsibility...

Anyway, I'm out, love yours and Arcy's work so don't want to drag it out any further. We agree to disagree? Apologies Ive been heated in this debate BTW...
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I think describing Suarez as thick is a good call. But like others have mentioned he is also a pretty unpleasant individual. Interesting that papers reporting 'robust' conversations between Pool and their headline sponsor. If anything focuses the mind its your high-income sponsor.
Here is what 'negrito' means: "The term "Negrito" is the Spanish diminutive of negro, i.e. "little black person", referring to their small stature, and was coined by early European explorers.[3]
Occasionally, some Negritos are referred to as pygmies, bundling them with peoples of similar physical stature in Central Africa, and likewise, the term Negrito was previously occasionally used to refer to African Pygmies."

Can there be any doubt whatsoever that Luis Suarez meant this in a friendly, 'colloquial-way-we-Uruguyans-have-when-referring-to-black-people' fashion? It was used in a demeaning, racist way. If he'd called him a 'midget clam' then it's just thick banter, but he went for skin colour...I don't know mate, if you think that's acceptable/not a huge deal, then we beg to differ...I mean, do you seriously believe Luis Suarez has been hard done by? The thick peasant only needed to apologize in the first place and it might've been a 3 game ban at most...
Great post. To be honest, if 'negrito' is an acceptable term with acceptable connotations in Uruguay then it speaks volumes for the divide between black and white there. Also, it is totally irrelevant if the term is fine in Uruguay, because the incident did not occur there, and Suarez has lived in Europe for years. I wouldn't dream of going to UAE and drinking alcohol in public etc. A final point is that if other countries feel the FA have been particularly harsh on Suarez, it makes me delighted that we have such a zero-tolerance policy to racism in the UK and are holding high standards in that regard.
Just FYI, I'm a Red Sox fan, so don't lump me in the same bin as those scouser cvnts :)

you like David Ortiz? have been a Dodgers fan for many years myself. how could they have two of the biggest young talents in Kemp and Kershaw and got sucked in such ownership mess is beyond me
Here is what 'negrito' means: "The term "Negrito" is the Spanish diminutive of negro, i.e. "little black person", referring to their small stature, and was coined by early European explorers.[3]
Occasionally, some Negritos are referred to as pygmies, bundling them with peoples of similar physical stature in Central Africa, and likewise, the term Negrito was previously occasionally used to refer to African Pygmies."

Can there be any doubt whatsoever that Luis Suarez meant this in a friendly, 'colloquial-way-we-Uruguyans-have-when-referring-to-black-people' fashion? It was used in a demeaning, racist way. If he'd called him a 'midget clam' then it's just thick banter, but he went for skin colour...I don't know mate, if you think that's acceptable/not a huge deal, then we beg to differ...I mean, do you seriously believe Luis Suarez has been hard done by? The thick peasant only needed to apologize in the first place and it might've been a 3 game ban at most...

Suarez didn't say "negrito", fella. That is a myth propagated by the media / Man Utd fans / anyone pursuing an agenda to embellish upon what Suarez actually said.

Suarez said "negro".

To respond to your first question by asking another question, can there be any doubt whatsoever that Evra meant "sudamericano" in anything other than a demeaning, bigoted, provocative and offensive manner?

And, to answer your last question.....no, I'm not defending what Suarez did. I only ask, reasonably enough, that others don't willfully misrepresent what was actually said and that they don't apply double standards to the actions of the two protagonists.
Why is it convenient? What is convenient about a fact?

A fact?


Offence caused is in the eye of the beholder. It isn't an absolute. It is entirely subjective. Which is why there must be consistency. You either say that any reference to colour, creed, culture or country in the context of abusing an opponent is off limits or you say that anything goes.
you like David Ortiz? have been a Dodgers fan for many years myself. how could they have two of the biggest young talents in Kemp and Kershaw and got sucked in such ownership mess is beyond me

I don't know... now that I've moved to the NYC area, things have gone liverpool for them. OK, probably even worse than that... as for David Ortiz, he definitely wasn't the same without the juice, but I still won't ever forget being at Fenway when they won in 2004. I can't imagine how nuts if would have been had they won at home.
You can have the last word if you like Jimmy mate, on all of it, as I said I disagree with some of the specifics you and Arcy have raised and the angles taken, but I'm done...

...it's all good...let's just carry on discussing the mighty Spurs eh?!!!

Me, you and Arcy...the bin dippers and mancs can do their own thing. Thank fudge we didn't sign him is all I can say!!!!
Can we at least agree on that????????
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The Anfield cat is up for adoption

By Brooks Peck | Dirty Tackle – 13 hours ago.. .

"Shanks," the Anfield cat, moments before he was ejected from the stadium.

The cat that became an instant celebrity after sauntering onto the pitch during Liverpool's match against Spurs last week has not been living the life of luxury you might expect of someone who guest starred on an internationally televised sporting event and quickly gained 56,000 followers on Twitter. After he was ejected from the stadium, the Anfield cat was dumped right back into the streets from which he came. Homeless, alone and uncared for. Until the locals decided to start looking for their most famous squatter.

From the Liverpool Echo:

And it was when his fans started looking for "Kenny" that Freshfield Animal Rescue received a call from an resident in Anfield, telling them where he could be found.

He was taken to a temporary home at the animal charity's centre at Freshfield, near Formby, where they are calling the cat "Shanks" after the legendary Anfield manager.

Cattery assistant Katherine Gibbs, 25, said he is "an absolute gentleman" and despite a few scratches to his face and legs from fighting other cats he is in good heath.

He's being given antibiotics to treat an abscess in his cheek and various other wounds, but once he's healed up, he'll be available for adoption.

How Liverpool have not already announced plans to adopt their only bit of good press in recent weeks is baffling, though. As a follow-up to making Luis Suarez apologize for not shaking Patrice Evra's hand, the club's owners should urge him take in the cat, then pose for a photoshoot while wearing matching hats


The poor cat was homeless
The Anfield cat is up for adoption

By Brooks Peck | Dirty Tackle – 13 hours ago.. .

"Shanks," the Anfield cat, moments before he was ejected from the stadium.

The cat that became an instant celebrity after sauntering onto the pitch during Liverpool's match against Spurs last week has not been living the life of luxury you might expect of someone who guest starred on an internationally televised sporting event and quickly gained 56,000 followers on Twitter. After he was ejected from the stadium, the Anfield cat was dumped right back into the streets from which he came. Homeless, alone and uncared for. Until the locals decided to start looking for their most famous squatter.

From the Liverpool Echo:

And it was when his fans started looking for "Kenny" that Freshfield Animal Rescue received a call from an resident in Anfield, telling them where he could be found.

He was taken to a temporary home at the animal charity's centre at Freshfield, near Formby, where they are calling the cat "Shanks" after the legendary Anfield manager.

Cattery assistant Katherine Gibbs, 25, said he is "an absolute gentleman" and despite a few scratches to his face and legs from fighting other cats he is in good heath.

He's being given antibiotics to treat an abscess in his cheek and various other wounds, but once he's healed up, he'll be available for adoption.

How Liverpool have not already announced plans to adopt their only bit of good press in recent weeks is baffling, though. As a follow-up to making Luis Suarez apologize for not shaking Patrice Evra's hand, the club's owners should urge him take in the cat, then pose for a photoshoot while wearing matching hats


The poor cat was homeless

Of course, the bit which stood out for me was that they just dumped him off in the street without even bothering to see if he had a home!!! tossers! Makes me hate them even more!!!