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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

@Shaney. Just a sidenote at saints I'd guess he'd start 30 games a season. At Liverpool I'd guess 5/6 in the league and carling cup games. If he supports Liverpool then I see why he'd go there but other than that its a mercenary move which is what I've come to expect these days.
@Shaney. Just a sidenote at saints I'd guess he'd start 30 games a season. At Liverpool I'd guess 5/6 in the league and carling cup games. If he supports Liverpool then I see why he'd go there but other than that its a mercenary move which is what I've come to expect these days.

Dont realy think you can call him a mercenary. By the same token what have Southampton done to convince him to stay ? They have let their manager go and they are clearly going to sell st least 4 or mayby 5 of their top players.

With injuries or "if" they sell Suarez then he could actually be of the main men next year.
I think Lambert will play a fair bit next season especially if Freddie Mercury rodents off to Madrid (Home of the ****)
Another factor for Lambert is prolonging his career. How many years can he play if he starts every game? How many years can he play as part of the rotation at Liverpool? So it could be a good move allowing him to play more years. On top of that, he's a fan, will get paid more, will get an opportunity in the CL, he'd be leaving what could be a sinking ship, and he gets more chance to win something.
We can all only say what we believe WE would do in any given situation. If it was my career I'd wanna play week in week out. Thats all I'm saying.

i wouldn't be surprised if lambert thinks he can earn himself a starting spot in the liverpool xi. obviously, no-one else thinks this, but no-one else would've thought he would be where he is now 5 years ago. good luck to him.
Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has a "predisposition for Spain" says his lawyer, sparking speculation over a possible transfer to Real Madrid.

The Uruguay international has been persistently linked with a move to the Champions League winners and the 27-year-old's representative admits such a move would be difficult for the striker to reject.

"A year ago he was very likely to leave Liverpool," Alejandro Balbi told Cadena SER.

"Now I think it is very difficult because he is an idol, although clubs can offer a lot of money.

"If there is such a big offer from Real Madrid, it would be very difficult to say no. Luis Suarez has always had a predisposition for Spain."
Suarez would leave Liverpool in a heartbeat. Lets see how they deal with a mega offer for him leaving them in disarray. They can have a taste of what we had last year.

I've thought all along that last season was as good as its going to get for Liverpool. They could easily finish 6th next season.
I think Lambert is a good signing for them. He's a Liverpool fan, he hasn't cost them too much, Premier League experience, scores wherever he goes and I'm sure he won't mind being on the bench behind the likes of Sturridge and Suarez, he'll just be happy he is playing for them and at a higher level than what he has been playing his whole career. He will play cup games and whenever Suarez/Sturridge need a rest.

Plus, if you're a Liverpool fan and you're watching your team 1-0 down with 15 minutes to go, there wont be much better than bringing on Lambert to try and get you a goal.
Suarez would leave Liverpool in a heartbeat. Lets see how they deal with a mega offer for him leaving them in disarray. They can have a taste of what we had last year.

Once the Madrid PR machine gets rolling there is no stopping it as we know...
fair enough, thats an opinion, i completely disagree

If everybody thought the same the world would be boring, to say he isnt good enough for Madrid though, seriously they have had some utter dump the last 10 years and this has showed by the small amount of trophies they have won in that time
when I say not good enough for them, i mean as a galactico marquee signing, yes he'd play, he's probably an upgrade on Benzema, but is he gonna get everyone's knickers wet the way Bale and Ronaldo did
when I say not good enough for them, i mean as a galactico marquee signing, yes he'd play, he's probably an upgrade on Benzema, but is he gonna get everyone's knickers wet the way Bale and Ronaldo did

if he scores 30 plus goals next year and they win the league or the CL again, nobody will give 2 flips mate, as much as I dislike him, the bloke is world class