Chris Armstrong
Serious question to those who do watch - what standard is women’s football now at compared to men’s. If we were to have a battle of the sexes scenario what would make for a competitive match where their technique and fitness would make up for the lack of physicality against a men’s team?
Really depends, the top players technically are very good but then there is a massive drop off. A men's team would batter them I believe the U.S. national team lost to some u18's before, the same way that Serena and Venus lost to some lower level men's tennis pro. The physicality can't be compensated for. Technique wise the top women players are no worse then professional men, and because of the lack of 'pace and power' you get a lot more passing through the pitch. As time goes by I'd expect the levels between woman footballers to even out, a lot of the disparity now is down to the financial side of the game.
The biggest thing that lets the game down still is the keepers, it's like the still just put the worst outfield player in goal, they should be scouting netball and basketball players and training them up. The suggestions for a smaller pitch and goals I think would massively improve the women's game but there is a lot of resistance against it, much to do with 'equality' and being seen to be able to hold their own vs the men's game.