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*** Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United OMT ***

if were going to win we'll have to score again I recon. Which is definitely a possibility.

Were going to have to go out and look to dominate. If we dropped deep were going to get murdered.
Only once in Premier League history have Manchester United come from two goals behind at home to win. That was in April 2009. they won 5-2. The opponents? Tottenham.
Thing is, even if we go 3-0 up, we've been there before against United!

If we can fend off the inevitable massive pressure the first 10 minutes, we might actually have a shot. But they will of course have at least one penalty awarded and a 94th minute goal.
was a smart run by Defoe.

Not seeing too much out of Dempsey but maybe i'm the only one. We're starting to drop back just a bit too deep but we've been deadly on the counter so it's been ok. Would like us to somehow keep a little more possession in the second half. Don't let them see so much of the ball

Thats really our tactic though - give them the ball then when it breaks down we counter. Its effective away from home. Issue is were not that creative when we have the ball and expected to control the game and create with the opposition sitting back.

We need to keep it tight for 15 - 20 mins - frustrate the hell out of them but Manure are the masters at comin from behind
come lads, enough with the negativity - we look fantastic on the break and United coming out all guns blazing will play in to our hands !
Prove me wrong Spurs, stay strong, another 45mins like that will do nicely.

Just stay strong Spurs and keep it tight


Yep .................COYS!!!!!!!!!
Got money on united and the draw just in case. Now wanna sit back and hope I lose £30.00.

Come on boys!!!!
Gallas should not be on, he is fooked

Rooney will beat him in the end, easily, then we will sub him off for Daws