Vivian Woodward
You need to have a look back through your posts mate. For someone who constantly complains about people not being positive you do seem to have a somewhat negative attitude towards your fellow forum members, the vast majority of whom are trying to be constructive and have Spurs best interests at heart, otherwise why be here?
For the record I don't give a sh!t whether we"re at Wembley, NWHL or MK. Makes no odds to me, it's either Leeds to London via M1/East Cost Mainline, then turn left or right. The recent announcement is a positive for me, as I can now plan through to mid January.
You should know there is a difference between finding something to moan about and looking for something to moan about ( and if you can not there is nothing more i can say), nothing wrong with being constructive but looking for things to be negative about is what some seem to enjoy and i find that hard to understand.
We will move into the stadium WHEN it is ready to do so not before and finding reasons to moan about why it has not happened yet and then bitching about is futile and ( imo) unnecessary. Sorry if that offends you.